Tag Archives: drones

Rumson Police Report: Porch Pirate Thefts, Uber Driver & Police Assault, Suspicious Vehicle Entry, Drones

The following December criminal incidents and arrest were reported by Rumson police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

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Fair Haven Officials’ FYI on Drone Sighting Facts

As bonafide answers from federal authorities about the origin of hovering drones in New Jersey continue to baffle and elude the residents who have been barraged by sightings, claims and speculation, Fair Haven officials are clearing up some facts and offering the correct reporting methods.

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County Sheriff’s Office: Drone Situation Monitored; FBI Tip Lines Opened

With the onslaught of drone sightings throughout the state, including an apparent heavy concentration in Monmouth County, the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office has released a statement with an FBI tip phone line and online reporting system calling for interagency cooperation.

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Prosecutor: Drone Sightings Confirmed; No Known Threat Posed

Mirroring a broader trend, local law enforcement agencies have received multiple reports of drone sightings in municipalities across Monmouth County late this week, Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago and Monmouth County Police Chiefs Association President/Spring Lake Heights Police Chief Edward Gunnell jointly confirmed on Friday.

Continue reading Prosecutor: Drone Sightings Confirmed; No Known Threat Posed