I’ll Just Pick: A Wrap from Seed to Sprout

The packaging and ingredients for Seed to Sprout's Raw Cashew Collard Wrap Photo/Elaine Van Develde
The packaging and ingredients for Seed to Sprout’s Raw Cashew Collard Wrap
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

By Elaine Van Develde

There’s nothing like the wrap — of anything, really.

It represents a feeling of accomplishment — in a way. In show business, “Its a wrap!” brings on a sigh of relief and some celebration. In other circles, such as food forums, it prompts some speculation and, yes, satiation.

When you have an option of choosing a wrap to eat, for instance, it often represents several ingredients you like wrapped up in some sort of flour tortilla or variation thereof, a/k/a wrap.

A lot of area eateries offer a wrap version of a favorite luncheon-meat-and-cheese- or salad-stuffed something or other.

Then there are those who like to eat it raw — the wrap and its contents. For them there is such a thing as a collard leaf-stuffed vegan variety. And they have it at Seed to Sprout in Fair Haven.

As Lucille Ball said in her Vitameatavegaman commercial on I Love Lucy, “It’s tasty, too!”

So, as the first in Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect’s I’ll Just Pick weekly series, the pick of the week is the raw cashew collard wrap from Seed to Sprout — and from a non-vegan who really relishes a big fat meaty sub for some lunch solace on a bad day.

This wrap, enveloping the taste buds with a creamy, crunchy vegan catch-all, features a mash of organic raw cashews topped with alfalfa sprouts, shredded carrots, tomato and mixed with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and filtered water. Then there’s a  nutritional yeast additive.

And, of course, the whole thing is wrapped up in a collard leaf. Call it a foodie Collard Patch doll.

Call it that, because even if you’re not a vegan, you may want to adopt this lunch lifestyle change.

It’s a cashew hummus sort of splendor all wrapped up and ready to healthily munch. Really.

Seed to Sprout opened a few months ago in July in the Acme Market shopping plaza, off River Road (officially 560 River Road, though), in Fair Haven.

Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School graduates Cara Pescatore and Alex Mazzucca own and operate the eatery, which is a second location to the original in Avon.

The menu is replete with all sorts of all-day organic vegan breakfast dishes: granola and yogurt parfait, sprout breakfast bowl and avocado breakfast sandwich.

Under the raw header, there’s also a sunflower burrito wrapped in collard and raw pizza.

There are also lots of grilled sandwich goodies, that are not quite what they sound like, such as the bacon cheddar melt, which features coconut bacon and not your average cheddar. The grilled avocado sandwich, RFHers tell us is a favorite, too, not to mention the seed salads and rice bowls.

There are also soups.

Check out the menu by clicking on the photo above or check out the website by clicking here.

Seed to Sprout is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Dinner is served at the Avon location on Thursday nights.


Police Report Robbery Arrest, $250K Bail; Drug Possession & Dealing, Weapons Charges & More

The following recent arrests were made and reported by Middletown police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

• Jaymere Verrett, 24, of Main Street in the Belford section of Middletown, was arrested on Sept. 24 by Detective Daniel Sullivan and charged with possession of under 50 grams of marijuana.

He was released pending a court date.

• Varashon McQueen, 45, of Main Street in the Belford section of Middletown, was arrested on Sept. 24 by Detective Keith Hirschbein and charged with aggravated assault, unlawful possession of a weapon, and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose.

She was released after posting $30,000 bail with a 10 percent option.

Continue reading Police Report Robbery Arrest, $250K Bail; Drug Possession & Dealing, Weapons Charges & More

Police Report Criminal Mischief, Shoplifting

The following recent criminal incidents and arrest were reported by Shrewsbury police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

• There was a report of criminal mischief in the area of Windingbrook Way on Sept. 29. The victim reported that someone removed a street sign and discarded it in a wooded lot.

Patrolman Joseph Barnicle is investigating.

Continue reading Police Report Criminal Mischief, Shoplifting

Catching Sun & Dunes on Sea Bright Beach

They were ready.

With the uncertain path of Hurricane Joaquin looming at the end of last week, the powers that be in Sea Bright, having been through the Sandy battle, prepared.

A makeshift wall of dunes was built along the shoreline of Sea Bright Public Beach and beyond to stave off stormy ocean water. And while Joaquin veered further east and out to sea, remnants of a nor’easter pelted the sands of the Sea Bright beaches and, as is common with any significant rainfall in the area, roads flooded.

Then the sun came out. And as temperatures hit the 70s today, dunes still intact, small-scale reminiscent of Mount Sandy, local summer lingerers headed to the beach.

Here’s what the scene was there. Beaching it tomorrow while the sun is out and temperatures permit?

(Be sure to click on the lower right icon to enlarge.)

— Elaine Van Develde

Fair Haven: Saving Mucky McCarter Pond

The mucky state of McCarter Pond has pushed a passel of residents to try to get the Fair Haven governing body to find a better way to resolve the issue so people can see clear through the green, get the blob out and keep the longtime borough focal point functional.

It’s a matter that has been discussed at many a Borough Council meeting. Aerators have been installed to clear up what has become a  meadow of tangled duckweed and algae.

But, residents have said, it doesn’t seem to be enough.

So, some got together on Sunday and formed a group to brainstorm fiscally prudent ideas and research remediation.

Here’s what Councilman Rowland Wilhelm had to say in a Facebook post on the matter …

“This past Sunday, concerned residents who live near McCarter pond got together to form the Friends of McCarter Pond. This group’s goal is halt and reverse the deterioration of something that is a large part of the fabric of this town and will work with regional groups and Fair Haven’s government to do so (Full disclosure: I was elected to council in 2010 and still hold office).

“It is our belief that F.H. governing body recognizes the problems with the pond and has addressed some issues (five aerators have been installed and a contractor hired to remediate the green blob (its actually primarily duckweed)).

“However, dredging still needs to be done; as many of you already know the south side of the pond is turning into a meadow. As such, we will endeavor to assist the town council by providing focused research and alternative remediation and financing ideas.

“Why are we posting to Facebook? Frankly, we need help and know that there are many of you out there who care about this important focal point of our town as deeply as we do.

“What are we looking for right now?

“Simply your name and email address. What will we do with this information? 1) we can anonymously show town government exactly how many people care and 2) put your name on an email list to keep you current on our efforts. We will NOT SELL your information or give it away. How do you get this info to us … Just message me here (on Facebook).

“Please help us save the pond!”

Rowland Wilhelm and Friends of McCarter Pond

Note: The photo is one from a winter gallery of skating on the pond and does not represent the group.

Rumson Police Make Several DUI Arrests

The following arrests were made by Rumson police in August and September. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

• Julia Mannion, 21, of Fair Haven, was arrested on Aug. 13 in the area of Hartshorne Lane and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) by Patrolman Daniel Campanella .

• Paul Ritchie, 45, of Monmouth Beach, was arrested on Aug. 14 in the area of Ridge Road and Bingham Avenue and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) b Patrolman Daniel Campanella.

Continue reading Rumson Police Make Several DUI Arrests

Rumson Police Report Jewelry Theft, Vandalism, Stolen Construction Equipment

The following criminal incidents for the months of August and September were reported by Rumson police:

• Patrolman Anthony Ciambrone took a report on Aug. 7 of the theft of a bicycle valued at $500 from a Ward Avenue resident.

• Patrolman Cody Lovgren took a report on Aug. 14 of vandalism to a motor vehicle from a Forrest Avenue resident.

•  Patrolman Anthony Ciambrone took a report on Aug. 17 of the theft of construction equipment valued at $1,500 from a Buttonwood Lane job site.

Continue reading Rumson Police Report Jewelry Theft, Vandalism, Stolen Construction Equipment

Perspective: Woody, Sea Bright Sandy Survivor, On Joaquin

Fair Havenite and Sea Bright Woody’s Ocean Grille owner Chris Wood knows what havoc is wreaked by a superstorm hit.

He and his waterfront restaurant/bar weathered Sandy. Not only that, but Wood, a/k/a Woody, a longtime Rumson-Fair Haven area resident and Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School graduate, in the wake of Sandy started Sea Bright Rising in the Sea Bright municipal parking lot with a grill, some burgers and the help of his head chef Onofrio Moscato.

Looking back on his own Sandy experience, he offers, via a Facebook post, a calm-down perspective on Joaquin:

“As I look out my window right now at Woody’s I see the ocean and two news teams. Then I listen to those news people say, ‘Prepare for Joaquin’ or ‘Joaquin is barreling towards us.’ This is FAR from the truth.

“Unfortunately, we’re experiencing a very strong Nor Easter type storm (High pressure system meets Low pressure system coming up coast)…This is VERY common for us in Sea Bright.

“What is uncommon is the expected duration. (It may last 2 + days)……So unfortunately there will be some major beach erosion, high winds, rain and some coastal flooding. We’ve seen this before and yes it sucks…..

“But call it what it is and stop terrifying people by saying this is related to the Hurricane Joaquin. IT IS NOT. THANKFULLY it looks like that storm will pass.

“1: Hurricane Joaquin is STILL 1200 miles away as of 8am
2: The rain and wind we are experiencing now STILL has ZERO to do with Joaquin. (see above)
3: Joaquin has no similarities to Sandy at ALL…Thankfully NONE
4: The 5am National Hurricane Center has the eye drifting MUCH further East .The probability cone NOW has left front quadrant about 400 miles offshore…(this would be what impacts us if anything and it’s a weaker area of the storm)
5: The Front Right Quadrant is where the strongest winds and surge occur ….these will be HUNDERDS of miles to the East of NJ (this is one reason Sandy was so bad…we got the brunt of the front right quadrant along with lunar high tides)
6: Joaquin is not expected to be close to NJ until very early Monday. (still 4 days away)
7: The models STILL continue to trend East and we should have NO impact from Joaquin other than higher surf.
8: Time will tell and the models will probably change so watch NOAAs Hurricane Tracker and don’t believe all the hype.
9: Pray for the people in The Bahamas. They’re STILL getting hammered and will need help!”

Joaquin Watch: Retro R-FH Area Post-Sandy

With Joaquin winding its way northeast, Rumson-Fair Haven area residents are hoping it the predicted path will stay on course and not become reminiscent of Hurricane Sandy’s wrath.

Despite the lack of similarities in storms, officials area urging preparedness with a since-Sandy “better-be-safe-than-sorry” mindset.

So, as a reminder that we made it through the worst in a storm, Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect is taking a look back at the post-Sandy scene in Rumson, Fair Haven and Sea Bright.

For the latest from the National Weather Service, click here.

— Elaine Van Develde

Police Report Theft, Fraud

The following recent criminal incidents and arrests were reported by Shrewsbury police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

Criminal Incidents

• There was a report of an identity theft in the area of Yale Boulevard on Sept. 21. The victim reported that someone fraudulently obtained and used credit in their name without consent.

Patrolman Ralph Latham is investigating.

• There was a report of a theft in the area of Beechtree Lane on Sept. 19. The victim reported that property valued at $329 (which was later recovered by Shrewsbury police) was stolen.

Patrolman Derek Myers is investigating.


Contempt of Court Arrests

• Luis F. Couto, 33, of Newark was arrested on Sept. 21 in the area of Shrewsbury Avenue on a contempt of court warrant by Special Law Enforcement Officer Jeffrey Kless.

• Merlandia Narcisse, 21, of Asbury Park was arrested on Sept. 22 in the area of Broad Street on a contempt of court warrant by Special Law Enforcement Officer Jeffrey Kless.

Lessons Learned by RFH Girls Soccer Team from Olympian Christie Rampone

It was a motivational moment for Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s female athletes — specifically, soccer players.

Three-time Olympic gold medalist and two-time FIFA Women’s World Cup Champion Christie Rampone on Monday made an appearance at a team practice at Rumson’s Meadowridge Field East.

During an informal session, Rampone described participation in high school soccer as a “privilege.”

Continue reading Lessons Learned by RFH Girls Soccer Team from Olympian Christie Rampone

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