Focus: Black & Blue Branching Out by the River

It was hauntingly comforting — the icy, howling wind and the stark hues of black and blue along the Navesink River in Fair Haven Wednesday at dusk.

The wind whistled, beckoned, and the air cut like jagged-edged glass.  It was a solitary, striking scene. Black branches jutting across a blue sky and seascape.

It was all so cold and clear-cut, yet still warm like a cup of cocoa. It’s home.

Take a look …

— Elaine Van Develde

Retro RFH Basketball Court Cartwheel with Giff

RFH teacher George Giffin does a cartwheel to cheer on the cheerleaders in the 1970s. Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
RFH teacher George Giffin does a cartwheel to cheer on the cheerleaders in the 1970s.
Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot

With this howling chill in the air lately, people are pretty primed for the arrival of spring. In fact, you could say that they may even be doing cartwheels over it.

Well, in light of that excitement to spring into the warmer season, the Retro Pic of the Day gives a glimpse back to a beloved teacher who danced and, yes, did cartwheels over any exciting event — or just for plain old fun.

That teacher was George Giffin, otherwise referred to as Giff. He was a science teacher and was particularly famous for his ballroom dance class. And, boy, could the man dance!

The RFH community lost Giff on May 15, 2014; and, to ask just about any RFH grad or member of the community, it was a tremendous loss.

Last time this editor caught up with Mr. Giffin, he was grabbing some lunch at Fairwinds Deli. In his 80s, he was still dancing and actually launched into a little routine right there with a little cha-cha-cha and “When you get that beat, you gotta mooooove your feet!”

Who will dance or do a cartwheel when spring arrives in memory of Mr. Giffin? Oh, and send us your pics if you do!

Memorial Set for Rumson’s Addy Bennett

Many people in the Rumson area have fond memories of the talent, warm smile and demeanor of one of the borough’s most longtime residents — Adelaide Bennett.

Adelaide, known as Addy to friends and family, passed away at Riverview Medical Center, Red Bank, surrounded by her loving family, on Feb. 7. She was 95.

Continue reading Memorial Set for Rumson’s Addy Bennett

Retro RFH Snow & Ski

RFH Ski Club of the 1970s with club director Hal Lorme on the slopes.
Photo/RFH yearbook

Well, the forecast is calling for a snow day soon … at the very least in the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

And, back in the 1970s, a snow day was prime time to hit the ski slopes.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day offers a glimpse back to the RFH Ski Club days.

This photo also brings RFHers back to a favorite coach who passed away not too long ago — Hal Lorme.

RIP, Mr. Lorme. Happy ski trails, all RFHers!

PJ Rawlins: Knollwood Spelling Bee Champ

Fair Haven’s PJ Rawlins has been dubbed the spelling champ of Knollwood School and is headed to a regional competition.

The seventh grader won the Knollwood School Annual Spelling Bee on Jan. 31. By spelling the final word “feckless” correctly, he claimed first place in the school-wide competition for fourth- through eighth-grade students.

Competing along with PJ were eighth grader Alex Fratto, sixth grader Will Ross, fifth grader Michael DeFazio, and fourth grader Kate Cusick. The students were selected through competitions at the classroom and grade levels leading up to the school-wide spelling bee.

“I am amazed by our participants’ study skills,” said Knollwood School Principal Amy Romano. “This year, we had to dig deeper for more difficult words. I am impressed by all of our participants. Congratulations to all.”

Next up for PJ is county-level competition in the Regional Spelldown to be held on March 13 at Monmouth University.

— Edited press release from the Fair Haven School District

Fair Haven Police Report: Theft, Misappropriation of Funds, Marijuana, DWI, Juvenile Arrest

The following January arrests were reported by Fair Haven police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

Continue reading Fair Haven Police Report: Theft, Misappropriation of Funds, Marijuana, DWI, Juvenile Arrest

Retro RFH Girls on the Beach?

RFH girls on the beach at the 1975 Freshmen Follies
Photo/George Day

Well, about this time of the winter people are doing a sort of sun dance for summer days.

And, back in 1975, a few RFH gals got their gear on (or their mothers’) and did their own kind of chorus line for sunnier days on the beach on the RFH stage.

It was the Freshmen Follies that year and these seasonally appropriate girls did their own dance, clad quite festively, to that Beach Boys classic Girls on the Beach.

Bet you’ve never seen a gaggle of gals like this.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day is a testament to sunnier days ahead and, ahem, girls, or something like that, on the beach.

Cheers to the girls! Oh, and how about that stage right crew?

Recognize them?

Thanks to the incredible George Day for this retro RFH classic!

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