
Scene Around: Gull on the River Beach

Ever take a walk down by the river and feel like someone’s following you or even leading the way?

It happened today down on the beach by the Fair Haven Dock.

A lone seagull, seemingly having a little trouble with one of his legs, led the way taking a leisurely walk along the riverbank, picked on some food along the way, waded and tried to fly a little, but to no avail. He was getting around and eating and not fearful of humans.

So, he had a little company for his afternoon walk.

Good night and feel better, Mr. Fair Haven Livingston Seagull.

— Elaine Van Develde

Focus: Fair Haven’s Night Out

National Night Out was Tuesday. Every year, the evening, celebrated on the first Tuesday in August in communities throughout the nation, is dedicated to raising awareness of community policing and fire and first aid emergency responders.

It is meant for people to have an opportunity to become better acquainted with the officers, fire fighters and first-aiders and their policies designed to protect and serve them. The night is all about doing so with fun, games, demonstrations, closer looks and socializing.

Here’s a glimpse into Fair Haven’s Night Out (Click on each photo to enlarge.)

— Elaine Van Develde

Iconic Spot Focus: River Rats & Doritos

While being a River Rat was a staple of summer life for many a Rumson-Fair Haven area rugrat, there were still those who didn’t sail into waterborne activity success. Some, instead, capsized inside at the thought of a wave taking the wind out of their little sails.

But, staying away from the banks of the Navesink was never even a flicker of a thought in an area youngster’s brain.

There was so much to do there — like wading, watching, feeling the sand between the toes and, well, having a heart-to-heart gabfest with a friend while fetching and freeing sand crabs and munching on a big bag of Doritos … tucked into a festive picnic basket, of course.

Yup. That’s was the summer scene for some. And it was more than enough. Sometimes, between Dorito chomping, sand, wading and chatting, the sunset would seem to creep up and those kids would realize that the River Rats had come to shore and gone home.

The walk home with that picnic basket, an empty bag and that buddy was the exhale for the night. The dream was a simple, sweet, well-lived one.

— Elaine Van Develde

Simple Summer: Fair Haven Campout

The concept doesn’t get any simpler for summer — a tent, some games, some snacks, some buddies, a movie and sleeping (sort of) under the stars far enough outside of your own back yard to call it an outing.

It’s what kids and parents gathered to do on Saturday in Fair Haven. It was the borough’s annual campout at Fair Haven Fields.

It was still steaming hot at tent pitching time — around 7 p.m..

The Fair Haven Recreation Department helpers were ready and curbside at the fields and set to inform campers about the rules and regs. And the concession stand was staffed. But, well, by 7:30 p.m., only two sets of campers had arrived.

The helpers anticipated that more would show when the movie started at 8:45 and they were ready!

This is how this simple summer night of new local tradition got started on Saturday. These guys in the featured photo were a little wilted from the humidity, but still smiling and energetic enough to kid around with each other a little. Though, one of them reflected that he thinks he always has a “reluctant gaze” when photographed. Hmmm. Can you guess which is the reluctant reflector?

If you have any photos of the campout after perhaps more campers arrived and more fun ensued or fewer campers looked “reluctant,” send them to us at [email protected] for our camp night slideshow for later. 

— Elaine Van Develde

Scene Around: Sea Bright Skeletons in the Jeep

Skeleton beach buds in Sea Bright Photo/Jennifer Weber-Zeller
Skeleton beach buds in Sea Bright
Photo/Jenifer Weber-Zeller
Skeleton beach buddies cruising in Sea Bright Photo/Jennifer Weber-Zeller
Skeleton beach buddies cruising in Sea Bright
Photo/Jenifer Weber-Zeller

Summer has started. Beach weather has been prime lately.

And while getting some beach time in at Sea Bright Public Beach, an area resident caught a glimpse of two Jeep-cruisin’ dudes who look like they got fried right to the bone, but were loving every minute of it.

Check out the view of these buddies Rumsonite Jenifer Weber-Zeller caught from the back and side of the Jeep that got these two to their sun-filled siesta destination.

Have you seen them around the towns?


Fair Haven Update: More House on Church Street

It was March of 2015 when the Fair Haven Planning Board approved a three-home subdivision on the .54-acre swath of land where the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion long stood, the namesake of Church Street.

The church was demolished seven months later, in October. Now, the last and largest of the three homes built by Kolarsick Builders, a 3,000-square-foot residence, is nearing completion. The other two have For Sale signs out front.


There is no remnant of a church remaining on Church Street, except the name of the street. While old-time residents of the street that fronted River Road with the Church of the Holy Communion have expressed chagrin over the change, experts had testified before the Planning Board that the church was a bit of an architectural shambles and not preservable.

The subdivision was deemed by the board to be the only viable option for the site, as the church function on the property had been stagnant since it was put on the market in October of 2010. After being shown a reported 43 times since (between 2011 and 2014) and for various uses, the subdivision was deemed the most appropriate fit by the Planning Board.

Residents, who long lived on the street and have remained friends over the years, want to know what it’s looking like without the namesake church.

Here it is, folks …

— Elaine Van Develde



Focus: Rumson Riverfront Blues

Skies have been clear and bright blue lately. And the scene just before sunset in Rumson recently was no exception.

It’s that familiar, popular spot on the Navesink River at Victory Park where kids play, kayakers row on the river and other boaters dot the horizon.

The clear weather is supposed to hold out through the weekend. Enjoy the view in the photos below.

— Elaine Van Develde

Focus: RFH Art Show

A group of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) seniors giggled, gossiped, reminisced and complimented one another’s artwork.

It was Wednesday night — the night of the RFH Art Show. It was one of the last events they would attend together as RFH students. Graduation is soon — the end of an era for the Class of 2016.

“You’re graduating soon. Are you going to cry (realizing the end of your high school years)?” asked Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect. “Yes, I think so,” one senior girl said as she blushed and started to get a bit teary eyed. The bittersweet ending sentiment was contagious. “Yeah, we are,” another chimed in with a sad grin, glancing at her friend.

And they put their arms around one another and smiled for a picture.

There were lots of moments like that at the RFH Art Show. And there were students of all grades taking in the art, realizing the end of an era as seniors and the beginning as freshman and everything in between.

The students conveyed their personalities and experiences in various art mediums. Take a look at the gallery below for a glimpse into the evening.

Good luck, RFH seniors!

— Elaine Van Develde


Focus: Nightfall River Kayaking

The sun set. The water was still. It was a serene nightfall on the river in Fair Haven.

A lone kayaker rowed his way from the shore across the Navesink from the Middletown shores to the River Rats boat launch. The clouds seemed to follow him. The new moon a sliver above.

And, in the distance, in the hushed evening, were only soft echoes of the water lapping gently to each paddle, bringing him home.

Home here. Good night, Fair Haven.

— Elaine Van Develde