The mourning buntings are draped. The flag is at half staff. The marquee on the Fair Haven Firehouse announces the passing of 53-year Fire Department member, former chief and First Aider, Dwight Havens.
Dwight, a former longtime Fair Havenite and Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) graduate, more recently of Jonesborough, TN, passed away on Feb. 21, surrounded by his children. He was 74.

Photo/FHFD Media
Born to Althea and Clarence Havens in Red Bank, Dwight, at a young age “fell in love with fishing, a pastime he enjoyed with his grandfather, father, and would share with his children.”
After graduating from RFH, he began a career drafting for a national engineering consulting group. During that time, he served in the Fair Haven Fire Department and then in West Long Branch as well.

Photo/family via Memorial Funeral Chapel, TN
“His time with these departments filled him with a sense of pride that he would always carry with him. He moved up the ranks at Fair Haven, earning the title of chief before
Loved ones of Dwight Havens in his obituary
moving to West Long Branch.
When Dwight wasn’t working at the drafting table, firefighting, or fishing he was driving road rallies with the Wing & Bonnet Club, where he earned many first-place awards. His mechanically inclined abilities, combined with his strengths in drafting and numbers, benefited him greatly as a general contractor after
relocating his family to TN.
An intelligent man, who loved nature, fishing, and old cars, Dwight was always willing to share stories of his life experiences. If he wasn’t working on a motor or mower, or building boats, you could find him out on Watauga.”
Dwight is survived by his children and their spouses, Christopher, David and his wife Tammy, Kathleen and her husband Troy, and his grand-children Krystian, Ellie, Nevaeh, Iliana, and Cahan.
Services for Dwight will be privately held by the family. Condolences may be sent to the family through the funeral home website at
— Edited obituary prepared by family via Memorial Funeral Chapel, TN

Photo/FHFD Media
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