Law enforcement officials are again seeking the public’s help in identifying the person responsible for a September 2019 murder in Neptune Township, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced.
Continue reading Prosecutor: Police Seek Community Assistance in Solving 2019 Barbershop MurderMonthly Archives: July 2020
Prosecutor: Investigators Determined to Solve 2018 Route 18 Murder
Despite the passage of more than two years, investigators are resolute in solving the 2018 Colts Neck murder of Earl Sanders so that it does not become another cold case, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced.
Continue reading Prosecutor: Investigators Determined to Solve 2018 Route 18 MurderRetro RFH Close Encounter Party Daze
Photo/RFH Class of 78 reunion archives
On the heels of some teen partying over the bridge in Middletown that resulted in 20 positive COVID-19 test results and prompted emergency tracing by the township’s health department, we are reminded of a carefree partying time post graduation.
Continue reading Retro RFH Close Encounter Party DazeIn Memorium: Rumsonite John Patrick McLean
Rumsonite John Patrick McLean died peacefully on July 25.
Continue reading In Memorium: Rumsonite John Patrick McLeanOfficer Sentenced to Probation for Sexual Contact with Inmate
Despite the prosecution’s objection, a Monmouth County corrections officer has been sentenced to two years of probation after admitting he engaged in sexual contact with an inmate at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution last year, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced on Tuesday.
Continue reading Officer Sentenced to Probation for Sexual Contact with InmateKevin Pfister: RFH’s New Principal

A former Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) math teacher who began his education career at the high school is being called back — this time to the principal’s office.
Continue reading Kevin Pfister: RFH’s New PrincipalRetro Summer Fair Haven Dock Days

Photo/Elaine Van Develde
A 2016 reprise, because it’s summertime and such close summer encounters aren’t so easy these days, but we can remember at several years’ distance and summon them back…
Summer fun in Fair Haven doesn’t get any simpler or more treasured than ending the day down by the Fair Haven Dock, sand between the toes, a few antics up the sleeve, a little seaweed in the shorts, and a crab or 20. Dock time has been a time-honored tradition for kids since, well, the dawn of time.
Continue reading Retro Summer Fair Haven Dock DaysVolunteer Value: Surviving a Sunday Drive Accident
If you were one of the many who heard first aid, fire and police sirens blaring n the Rumson-Fair Haven area on Sunday afternoon, you probably also know by now that the accident that brought the brigade of emergency responders to the intersection of Ridge and Fair Haven roads left a Rumson couple literally a little flipped out and banged up, but alright and grateful.
Continue reading Volunteer Value: Surviving a Sunday Drive AccidentProsecutor: Man Charged With Stealing Nearly $90K From Employer
A Neptune Township man was arrested and charged on Friday with stealing nearly $90,000 from his employer over a 10-month period, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced.
Continue reading Prosecutor: Man Charged With Stealing Nearly $90K From EmployerLending a Fist in a Native Fair Havenite’s Fight
The following story was originally posted on Dec. 14, 2019. Much has happened since then in forever Fair Havenite Rich Chandler’s fight against a rare, aggressive form of squamous cell carcinoma. Updates, including the following post by sister, Carol, tell the story of Rich’s unrelenting desire to win his fight against cancer.
He has tried and will continue to try any treatment out there. He’s got the will, his family says with fervor. He just needs the way. And a little help from friends has never been needed more. Carol’s May 7 update tells a bit of the story. Daughter Kayla’s story of her dad’s journey continues with her Chandler Strong t-shirt drive.
Read all about it and click on the link at the end of the story to donate.
Your hometown community is fighting for and with you, Rich!
Carol Chandler West’s GoFundMe update …
On May 7th, Richard started bleeding heavily again and was rushed to Riverview Hospital. The next day he was transferred to RWJ for surgery to stop the bleeding.
At this time, Richard was told there was nothing more they can do for him.
He is now in a rehabilitation center. Upon release, we pray that Sloan Kettering, after reviewing Rich’s medical file, will take him on as a new patient and come up with something that RWJ team could not.
He does not want to give up – he is ready to fight!!!
Miracles do happen – please take the time and pray for Rich and send some encouraging words to lift his spirits.
With much gratitude … The Chandler Family
Rich’s daughter, Kayla’s t-shirt campaign …
He’s a dad. He’s a brother. He’s a friend. He’s a drummer who’s got the beat and fighting to keep it going strong. He’s a cherisher of life and love. He’s a native Fair Havenite. He’s Richard Chandler. He’s in a fight for his life and he needs a few fists full of strength, love, compassion and funds to help him knock out a cancer ogre and stand tall through it all.
Chandler Strong is what his family has dubbed his fight. And they, along with many friends of Richard’s, are in it to win it. It’s not the lottery, but it sometimes feels like a villainous game of chance to Richard’s loved ones. With funds depleted, they decided to reach out and ask for some help via a GoFundMe page to ease some of the heavy burden borne by the family as illness weighs down, but they’re determined, won’t crush Richard.
“I know I can say, and I hope one day MANY others too, that I am strong, Chandler Strong!” Richard’s daughter Kayla said in a post on a Facebook page started to summon more strength for her dad in the community.
“My name is Kayla Chandler, and I am the daughter of a (now) two time cancer survivor and hopefully after treatments this time around, a third. Surviving is not just beating something, but completely conquering it and all it has brought and may continue to bring. To see the fight is empowering and inspiring, but to be the fighter must be so much more than that … “Through strength and hope, I can only wish that over time it will help heal my father along with the medication and love/support he’s been receiving from the many beautiful people in our lives.”
Kayla Chandler, Richard Chandler’s daughter
“For the last four years, I have watched my brother, Rich, go through extensive surgeries and different forms of chemotherapy and radiation treatments,” sister Carol said on the GoFundMe page. “Unfortunately, this monster has returned for a third time.
“In December 2016, he was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of squamous cell carcinoma, originally located in his lymph nodes. It was then found in the groin region, and over time has spread to his urethra, upper thigh and hip region. To watch Rich struggle physically is breaking my heart because of the good, happy soul I have always known him to be. As if his medical issues are not enough, he worries how he will support his family and himself since he is unable to work due to his medical condition. The bills are mounting up!”
It is the sincere hope of Richard’s friends and family that he will soon, once again, “be able to do what he was born to do — bring his gift of music to the ears and souls of people again,” Carol continued.
Richard was back in his Fair Haven hometown, the place many generations of Chandlers called home, staying with his sister Liz.
The family, Carol said, is more than grateful for any bit of help offered to Rich.
So far, the GoFundMe fundraiser has raised $17,366 of a $25,000 goal.
Click here to help Richard with a donation — every little bit of which is appreciated, the family said.
Stay Chandler Strong, Rich!
- Retro RFH Tower Player Play Date
- Prosecutor: Former Teacher Indicted for Child Sexual Abuse, Assault of Teen Student
- In Memoriam: Rumson-Raised Longtime Fair Havenite, Rumson High ’53 Grad, Fair Haven Fields Natural Area Pioneer, Doris Moraller, 89
- In Memoriam: Fair Haven Resident, Longtime Area Teacher, Valerie Cusick, 75
- In Memoriam: Fair Haven-Raised RFH Grad, Ben Wilson, 21
Retro RFHers’ Sizzling Cool Great Adventure

Photo/Marc Edelman
Retro Pic of the Day reprise of an early 80s hot summer day trip adventure, because everyone needs a little coolness in their lives right now ...
The scorching summer heat lately has made taking a flying leap into a fountain, or any body of water, a goal to which many aspire — and attain as the need to cool down beckons.
In fact, summer days, for RFHers, weren’t always all about beach clubbing it and keeping cool, fun times local.
Continue reading Retro RFHers’ Sizzling Cool Great AdventureProsecutor: Officer Charged With Stealing From Police Union
A Brielle police officer was charged Monday with stealing more than $700 from the expense account of the local police union, announced Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced.
Continue reading Prosecutor: Officer Charged With Stealing From Police Union
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