Call him smokin’ cold Frosty. He’s that apparently armless blob of snow day snow at the hands of four Fair Haven miscreants of the 1960s.

Call him smokin’ cold Frosty. He’s that apparently armless blob of snow day snow at the hands of four Fair Haven miscreants of the 1960s.
Well, after a lot of warnings and prep, the week’s ones played host to the snowstorm that wasn’t. Oh, there was some snow and freeze, but it was no Blizzard of ’96 or ’78. Yes, back in the day, there were plenty of snowstorms that actually snowed Rumson-Fair Haven area folks in and left them to their own devices for resorting to fun in the freezing white stuff.
There’s nothing quite like a little tiki party in the snow in Sea Bright.
Continue reading Retro Donovan’s Barren Snowcapped Tiki DazeDid someone say backgammon? Originally posted on Dec. 3, 2019, we’re bringing this RFH Senior Commons Retro Pic of the (George) Day back, because that conversation pit pic got those ’70s RFHers talking about the oh, so trendiness of backgammon and games in the pits and on the tabletops of that Senior Commons. We’re not so sure these guys were actually playing, but … the foul weather brings out those RFH Senior Commons memories and everything gets a bit more fair-weathered again. Go back again with us …
Snow day, anyone? Nope. Not this year. Dank days certainly are a bit too plentiful, though. Really, what’s an RFH student to do when the studying mood hasn’t struck, the weather stinks and a little peppering of now is not quite snow day worthy? Hang out in the Senior Lounge and play backgammon, of course. Or something like that. We stress “something like that.”
Continue reading Retro RFH Foul Weather FunningA reprise from February, 2017 in honor of the next snowfall due today …
With the onslaught of snow and pandemic cloistering lately there’s been a lot of chatter about snow days and how to get creative with the white stuff. Well, in the 1970s, a few R-FH area kids took their creativity farther than most would be allowed to these days. And that chatter could have well been the chattering of teeth in the freezing weather.
Since the weather forecast is still calling for snow, here’s a retro reprise as a reminder that snow fun is a simple way to cure what ails your COVID-weary soul. And, in the days before the internet and cell phones, finding out about a snow day was half the fun of the day, albeit a bit daunting … Honk blast aaaaaand sleigh … Who remembers the fire horn signal? What was it?
Call it a blizzard of snow day signals. In Fair Haven back in the 1960s (through the 80s), it was common practice for kids to rear their sleepy little heads and crack a smile when they heard the fire horn’s coded blast. In a Morse code kinda way it would “buuuuuraaaamp” that there would be no school due to snow.
Continue reading Retro Fair Haven Snow Daze
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