Tag Archives: Fair Haven

A Retro Happy Birthday to Fair Haven’s Al Robbins

Longtime Fair Havenite Al Robbins delivering fuel to Ray Miller's Esso station on River Road circa 1950s Photo/courtesy of Kathy Robbins
Longtime Fair Havenite Al Robbins delivering fuel to Ray Miller’s Esso station on River Road circa 1950s
Photo/courtesy of Kathy Robbins

Today would be former Fair Havenite and Fair Haven Fire Company member Al Robbins’ 96th birthday, so his daughter Kathy tells Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect.

So, to honor the longtime Fair Havenite and volunteer, we honor him in our Retro Pic of the Day.

According to his daughter, Kathy, the retro pic above is of Al delivering gas to Ray Miller’s Esso station on River Road back in the 1950s.

Al had a nickname: Baggie. Know why? Well, daughter Kathy says it’s because he was a kid, about 7 years old, when he started caddying at Rumson Country Club. Of course, he was tiny, so, she says, “all you could see when he caddied was the bag.”

This editor remembers Al from time with her family. The whole family was lots of fun. And, true to form in remembrance of Memorial Days past, a bunch of us, including the Robbins family, used to go camping every Memorial Day weekend in Pennsylvania Dutch Country at Oak Creek Camp.

Precious memories! Thanks for all you did for the community and this one child’s life memories. You were a good friend to all, Al Robbins! Oh, and Happy Birthday!

Retro Good Neighbor Ray Taylor

Fair Haven resident Ray Taylor at friend Chum Chandler's memorial service recently Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Fair Haven resident Ray Taylor at friend Chum Chandler’s memorial service recently
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

You see him in every parade, at just about every event around town and always ready to lend a hand with a smile, respectful nod and gentlemanly demeanor.

He is lifetime Fair Havenite Ray Taylor and he has been unanimously nominated for Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect’s Retro Pic of the Day featuring good neighbors.

The veteran of World War II and the Korean War is in his 90s and has nothing but love for his hometown and its people.

Whenever he gets the chance, Taylor lets people know that he remembers those in the community who were pillars without pretense — good neighbors, volunteers and friends. He talks about them, offers his anecdotes on what each gave to the town he loves and encourages others to never forget, but to emulate them.

Teary eyed, he told children at the Veterans Day service in Fair Haven a couple of years ago that they are the future and that they should learn right away to “do your best for our beautiful community. I was raised here; and, if i die, I’ll die here.”

Thanks, Ray Taylor, for being a community role model and a good neighbor to all.

Services Set for Former Rumsonite, Fair Haven Dell’s Pharmacy Owner, Pauline Dell’Omo

Former Rumsonite and Fair Haven Dell’s Pharmacy owner Pauline Graff Dell’Omo passed away at her Long Branch home on May 14 after a brief battle with cancer. She was 84.

Born in Long Branch, Pauline lived in Red Bank and Rumson before moving to Long Branch. A graduate of Red Bank High School and Monmouth College, Pauline and her husband Louis owned and operated Dell’s Pharmacy at 598 River Rd. in Fair Haven from 1953 to 1979.

After the pharmacy, she worked at United Counties Bank in Tinton Falls and Red Bank. She was also a badge checker during the summers at Spring Lake Beach.

Pauline is survived by: her daughter, Barbara Ann Dell’Omo of Wall Township, RN; and her son, Gregory G. Dell’Omo, of Pittsburgh, PA, Ph. D, president of Robert Morris University to assume presidency of Rider University in Lawrenceville, NJ in August, and his wife Polly Evans Dell’Omo; five grandchildren, Lara B. Brooks, of Oakton, VA, Nicholas E. Dell’Omo, of Washington, DC, Vincent B. Dell’Omo, of Pittsburgh, PA, Jeffrey M. Dell’Omo, of Atlantic Highlands, and Robert H. Dell’Omo, of Atlantic Highlands; and two great-grandchildren, Amelia (Mila) C. Brooks and Vivienne D. Brooks.

She was predeceased by: her husband, Louis M. Dell’Omo; and son Michael L. Dell’Omo.

Visitation will be held on Thursday, May 21 from 4 to 7 p.m. , with a service being held during the visitation hours at Thompson Memorial Home, 310 Broad St., Red Bank.

The family requests that memorial donations be made in her memory to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 6931 Arlington Rd., 2nd Floor, Bethesda, MD 20814.

— Obituary, courtesy of Thompson Memorial Home

Retro Ode to Good Neighbor Chum Chandler

Chum Chandler back in the day Photo/courtesy of the Chandler family
Chum Chandler back in the day
Photo/courtesy of the Chandler family

Well, once we published our first in a series of good (old) neighbors and asked for nominations, it didn’t take long to get an onslaught of nominations to feature  Fair Haven’s Chum Chandler as a shining example of neighborliness.

So, Chum is our Retro Pic of the Day good neighbor.

Chandler, who passed away not long ago, was a native Fair Havenite, RFH grad, local businessman, Fair Haven Fire Company lifetime member and just all-around quirky, personable character. Anyone who knew him would tell you that he embodied all that’s good in this slice of suburbia.

He was known as a tall order of tough pull-yourself-up-by-the- bootstraps love always ready to lend a hand, share a good joke, poke a little fun and spread his zest for life and, yes, the town that he loved.

The man who was known as a good neighbor to the entire borough also believed in paying it forward; and he did just that.

Thank you to neighbor Chum Chandler. People are paying your message forward.



Rewind to Good Neighbor Ken Lockwood

Ken Lockwood at his 90th birthday party in 2012 Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Ken Lockwood at his 90th birthday party in 2012
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

It’s spring. Block party time has come.

And, with the advent of that sort of celebration of a neighborhood, we at Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect are taking a look back at good neighbors.

So, we’re kicking off what will be a daily ode with our Retro Pic of the Day honoring Ken Lockwood.

Lockwood lived in Fair Haven for 88 years, nearly as long as the borough’s existence. He moved to Fair Haven at the age of 2 and is now 93.

Continue reading Rewind to Good Neighbor Ken Lockwood

A Knollwood Elementary Flashback

First grade with Mrs. Kamin at Knollwood in 1966 Photo/School picture
First grade with Mrs. Kamin at Knollwood in 1966
Photo/School picture

It all just seemed so simple then. Going to school and living in Fair Haven.

We were neighbors and friends. We walked and rode our bikes to school. And we couldn’t wait to find out who our teacher would be. We always found out in time to talk about it at the Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair.

So, back in 1966, a class of familiar community faces found out that they had Mrs. Kamin for first grade at Knollwood School.

That year was the beginning of a lot of longstanding friendships and neighborhood bonds. Treasured time.

Treasured time that warrants a look back in our Retro Pic of the Day and an anecdote about remembrance and gratitude. Remember where and how it all started and how lucky we all were to have had one another in our lives, many for a long time.

Mrs. Kamin still lives in Fair Haven. Some of these kids are grownups still living in town. Some have, sadly, passed. Some still have family here. Some are running businesses here and live one or a few towns away.

Recognize anyone? What did you learn from them or your time in that first grade class in Rumson or Fair Haven? What stuck with you most?

Fair Haven Faces Proposed Tax Hike

By Elaine Van Develde

It’s not yet set in borough books, or even officially been introduced; but, if there are no cuts from the draft, Fair Haven property owners could be facing an average hike of roughly $102 in municipal taxes in 2015.

Average means what quantifies as the current average assessed property value in the borough of $720,900, up from $688,540 last year, Borough Administrator Theresa Casagrande said at Monday night’s Borough Council meeting. It actually means a lower tax rate per $100 of assessed value, but the rise in average assessed value naturally raises the rate on the average home.

What it boils down to is that “the conceptual average home will pay 101.83 more than it did in 2015,” Casagrande said. “I want to make it clear that this is not 1-2-3 Main Street. I could sit here and tell you that our tax rate is going down, but (the reality is that) as your average assessed value increased what we did was we calculated what an average assessed home paid this year versus what the average assessed property paid in 2014.”

In the grander scheme of budget talk, it means that spending plan in the borough, with its budget rough draft, went from about $8.3 to $8.4 million, or roughly a 3 percent increase.

The amount to be raised by taxation, or “appropriations minus revenue,” has been drafted at $6.1 million for 2015, calculating an increase of $231,591.

The number is arrived at from figuring the “combination of a slight increase in appropriations with a reduction in anticipated revenue,” which Casagrande said is down this year by about $148,000. That loss is largely due to the borough not being able to calculate in the $117,000 it got from FEMA last year for Hurricane Sandy damage.

A portion of the tax hike blame rests with unavoidable standard raises in employee health care costs and pensions, which, this year, will cost the borough $437,696.

“It’s a good budget. We have to maintain a level of affordability with quality municipal services,” Council President Jonathan Peters, liaison to the borough Finance Committee, said. “We don’t want to be a high cost, low service town.”

And while most council members at Monday night’s council meeting called the spending plan, in the works since January, a “good budget,” Councilman Robert Marchese said he “cannot stomach raising taxes. This gives me pause. Period. We need to care about seniors and those living on a fixed income. Taxes just can’t keep going up.”

And all that has been considered, Casagrande said, mentioning that there is a senior tax abatement program via the state dubbed Senior Freeze for which many have already applied. The income limit for the program is $85,553.

And, Mayor Ben Lucarelli said, when considering per capita expenses, or municipal services offered, Fair Haven is beyond the high end, comparatively, at about $1,397 on an average per capita spending of $1,295 to $1,350 in small versus large towns. But, he said, the services provided are much better than those in larger towns with lower taxes.

When that per capita number is lowered, “the level of services drops dramatically,” he said. And, he added, Fair Haven is known for providing a premium of municipal services that most people, in his experience, do not want to do without.

With this budget, officials said, a lot of the debt service in the borough, or $189,00, was wiped out, bringing the total debt down to $3 million.

“We’re now at the same level we were at in 2008,” Lucarelli said. “The budget has been chopped down and creeped up since then, but has never exceeded the 2008 number.”

For six years straight, from 2008 to 2013, Fair Haven boasted holding the line on municipal taxes, which comprises a little more than 20 percent of the tax bill, with no municipal tax hike (and one minuscule decrease) until last year.


Rewind: Ode to Fair Haven Police

A look back at Fair Haven police Photo/Fair Haven Police Department
A look back at Fair Haven police
Photo/Fair Haven Police Department

In keeping with our Retro Pic of the Day homage to first responders, today we honor Fair Haven Police for their service to the community.

The above photo is a look back at the officers in the department not long ago.

Patrolman Robert J. Henne, included in this photo, passed away on March 23. He was loved by his community and colleagues and is sorely missed by both. RIP, Patrolman Henne.

And thanks to the Fair Haven police for protecting and serving the residents of Fair Haven and beyond!

Have you thanked an officer today?

Fair Haven Shore Signs of Spring

The temperature may have plummeted a bit, but spring has just about sprung on the banks of the Navesink River in Fair Haven.

Tree leaves and blossoms have or are just about to bloom. The tide has been low, boats being readied for the season and waters calm.

It’s the perfect time for a walk down by the river.

Take a look at why Fair Havenites treasure their river time and memories. 

You may purchase photos from this gallery, but may not publish them anywhere. They are copyrighted.

— Photos by Elaine Van Develde/Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect

Retro Ode to Fair Haven Firemen

Firefighters from several area municipalities swarmed to the scene of Monday’s fire at the historic Blithewald mansion in Rumson.

All are volunteers. The fire took roughly six hours to quell at the hands of hundreds of area firemen.

Yesterday, we took a look back at the 2015 Rumson Reorganization and its firemen at the ceremony.

Today, we take a look back at the Fair Haven Reorganization and the first responders sworn in and offer another thank you to all of those who volunteer to protect us.

The other fire companies that responded to the Blithewald fire were: Sea Bright, Little Silver, Shrewsbury, Highlands, Atlantic Highlands and Asbury Park.

Have you thanked your local firefighter lately?


Fair Haven: Poised for a Park


By Elaine Van Develde

The Fair Haven house that Charles Williams built is gone.

But the historic significance of the freed African-American slave’s family homestead at the foot of DeNormandie Avenue has not been forgotten as the borough preps the swath of Navesink riverfront property for it’s new life as a park.

Fair Haven officials have said all along that once the transformation to passive recreation park takes hold, a plaque commemorating the Williams family and its Robards descendants will be anchored on the site. The plaque will include a brief history of the land’s significance.

For now, though, getting set for some major landscaping is the priority.

“The DPW is finishing up with clearing the property of any remaining bits of debris from the demolition,” Fair Haven Mayor Ben Lucarelli said. “The borough’s arborist has assessed the trees on the property and made a determination of which can be cut down and which must be saved. Becker Tree Service, which has a contract with the borough, will soon remove the trees that cannot be saved.”

After that, the property will be readied for turf and landscaping.

Taxpayers contributed roughly $200,000 to the acquisition of the $1.2 million plat. The remainder of the money to purchase it came from state, county and non-profit grants — all of which were contingent upon a commitment to eternally preserve the land as open space.

Take a look at the above slideshow for a glimpse into the property’s history, from borough acquisition to the home’s demolition.

— Photos and slideshow/Elaine Van Develde

A Heap of Fair Haven History

By noon on Monday, all that was left of the historic Williams-Robard estate in Fair Haven was an old television, a couple of mattresses, a laundry basket, and a chunk of foundation on a heap of scrap.

The 160-year-old waterfront DeNormandie Avenue home that freed slave Charles Williams built — and made home to his immediate family and Robards family descendants — was demolished to make way for a passive park was  on the banks of the Navesink River in Fair Haven.

The acquisition of the property has been in the works, via several funding avenues, for the better part of a decade.

The borough finally acquired the 6.9-acre property in the fall to preserve a rare swath of waterfront open space for future generations to enjoy, rather than letting it be sold to a private developer and closed off from public access.

The house, officials have said, was in too much disrepair to preserve. Also, as part of the deal for procurement of funding for the $1.2 million acquisition, borough officials had to agree to demolish the home.

The most recent owners, the Robards descendants, had lived in the house since 1855.

“Winifred Robards (who lived there since 1855, when she was 3) was known to invite kids onto the property to play and enjoy it all the time,” Lucarelli said.

It was her wish to pay that forward, Lucarelli had said. A plaque commemorating the Williams-Robards families will be erected on the site with a recounting of its history, Lucarelli said at the announcement of the acquisition in the fall.

Click here for the story of the acquisition.

— Photos and story by Elaine Van Develde