Still zany after all these years. It holds true here.
When generations of RFHers collide like parallel universes on a path of together forever fate, 47 years later seems like yesterday.

Still zany after all these years. It holds true here.
When generations of RFHers collide like parallel universes on a path of together forever fate, 47 years later seems like yesterday.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot? The words of the 18th century Scottish ballad gone New Year’s Eve classic really means, “Should we forget old friends?” Of course not.
Continue reading Retro RFH Guys’ Auld Acquaintance“What’s that? An iPhone 1?” he quipped as I tried to capture a moment between him and his lifetime friend at a reunion committee party with my sad little smashed-screen phone. Click. “Shut up, Dave! Jerk!” I, a 58-year-old woman child, sniped back, with a 10-year-old kid giggle and arm punch.
Then there was the knowing laughter and the look that was only understood among those like us who had had a lifetime of it. The deep all-knowing complex simplicity of a childhood shared in one little world of a small town by the river.
Continue reading RFH ’78’s David Memmott: Picture of a Childhood in a Classmate Gone
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