Tag Archives: blood drive

The R-FH Area Weekend: Memorializing, Parading & More

The sun is shining on the Rumson-Fair Haven area. The weather forecast is one of toasty, sun-drenched, crisp fall days ahead. The time is right for some celebrating of life, remembrance, meeting and greeting, blood donating, egg hunting and parading.

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What’s Up This Weekend: Beach Sweeps, Blood Drive

By Elaine Van Develde

There are a couple of things going on this weekend that involve learning and giving.


• Calling all war history buffs! Friday night at 6:30 p.m. there’s  unique lantern tour going on at Sandy Hook’s Fort Hancock Museum. All dressed up as authentic U.S. Army coast artillery soldiers, volunteers from the Army Ground Forces Association will lead people on a historic tour of the Fort, featuring Battery Gunnison.


• Get your gloves and hard-soled shoes on and help sweep the beaches you frequent clean of debris with Clean Ocean Action.

The organization, headed by none other than Rumson native and current resident and RFH grad Cindy Zipf, is slated to start at 9 a.m. at various locations throughout the state. The sweeps run through 12:30 p.m.

In the R-FH area, the closest meet-up points are, Sea Bright Public Beach, Borough Hall and Gaiters Restaurant (in Sea Bright), Sandy Hook/Lot D, Monmouth Beach Bathing Pavilion and Maple Cove at the foot of Maple Avenue in Red Bank.

For a full list of locations, click here.

• And on the same day, Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Fair Haven Business Association is asking people to “starve a vampire, feed your neighbor.” The group is sponsoring a blood drive for the Central Jersey Blood Center at the Knights of Columbus Hall at the foot of Third Street (200 Fair Haven Rd.).

Donors must be at least 17, healthy and weigh at least 120 pounds. ID with signature must be presented at the door. Oh, and drink water before you donate.


• If you’re in the market for some unique crafts and/or food, hit the Red Bank Farmers Market before the season comes to a close.

The market is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Galleria parking lot.

And, while you’re there, don’t forget to check out Fair Havenites Melanie and David Stewart’s Handmade Haven tent. Read their story here.

If you can think of anything else that’s going on this weekend, let us know at evd@rfhretro.com.

In the meantime, I’ll see you on the beach, giving blood or around the towns somewhere else!