Still “imbibing and pursuing leisurely interests” after all these years. That would be the RFH Ladies of the Round Table. You’ve seen them before in a ’70s Retro Pic of the Day and they’ve been at it again “all these years” later — at a gathering in Delray Beach, FL.

Many of the gals in the troupe of merry imbibers and whatnots are still friends, as the gathering of the gaggle shows. Some from Rumson and Fair Haven separately have been buds since early childhood. Then, at RFH, the groups of childhood friends converged for a little passive, playful mayhem in 1976, forming an official high school group that wouldn’t pass the muster of millennium teen-proofing these days.
Let’s just say that the official RFH group of self-proclaimed “good will and cheer,” that actually made it in the yearbook, had a logo sort of graphic with a round table in front of a fireplace. On top of the table sat a softball, a bat, a pitcher of imbibing stuff (ahem) and a pack of cigarettes.
Now, we know that winter, a fireplace and softball equipment don’t really jibe. But, the fire, the pitcher and the butts do.
And while the butts don’t figure into the picture so much anymore and the softball never really was the pull, the “cheer” in the troupe’s mission statement still applies.
“I met these women in 1976 in high school,” said Round Table lady Peggy Miller, who actually knew Fair Havenite buds Jeanne Murphy and Ginger White well before that. “This past week, seven of us reunited in Delray Beach. I haven’t laughed so much in years! Very blessed with lifelong friendships.”
That’s what it’s all about, right? Connections that never sever, only soothe through life.
The seven tripping together are: Jeanne Murphy, Ginger White, Fran Hogan, Dina Dinklage, Merrall Dey and Linda Stevens … by maiden name, of course.
RFH friends on social media echoed the sentiment that the ladies are still the same.
Why? Because lifelong friendship does the heart and mind good. So, cheers to those friends and laughs!
And, please do tell us what the requirement for membership in the Ladies group was. Hmmmm … OK, so we have FOMO.

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— Photos/RFH Ladies of the Round Table & RFH Yearbook
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