It’s 40th reunion time for Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s Class of ’79!
And as this year’s reuniting begins, thoughts turn to RFH tradition and how reuniting is done by taking a gander back at the class before, ’78, and how those renegade RFHers got their parties started and finished through the years. Though, testament tells that the RFH Class of ’78 has had its own tradition of never saying “the party’s over.”
All RFHers know that reunions RFH style tend to be quite grand and span several days.
It’s a tradition. And tradition must be upheld, after all.
Years’ worth of reunions tell many tales of trips back to Sea Bright stomping grounds and usually a trip to Donovan’s Reef, where much of the RFHers’ partying began. Ichabod’s, now Woody’s, too. As RFH tradition would have it, Woody’s is owned by Class of ’78’s Chris Wood. RFH reunion goers have roamed a bit out of the Sea Bright partying boundaries over the years, due to mitigating circumstances like, say, the flattening of Donovan’s from Superstorm Sandy and and the beyond capacity popularity of its rebirth now. But, RFHers aren’t fussy. Oh, the places they’ll go … just to reunite in true RFH style.
But, it’s not the place, because home is where any RFHer is when it comes to reuniting.
Take a look at a little Class of ’78’s reuniting past from the first reunion at the Molly Pitcher to last year’s 40th.
Cheers to reuniting this weekend, Class of ’79! Happy 40th. Yikes!

Photo/Elaine Van Develde

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