Sometimes you just have to take a stand — one to guard your life in a special way. The notion holds true especially in the summertime in Sea Bright.
When a beautiful summer’s day winds down, the scene become serene and the view clearer from the mind’s eye, no matter where you’re looking. From an abandoned lifeguard stand, it’s just all the sweeter a sight — as far as the New York skyline or as close as the shoreline and some child’s play or local scene home-in with a content sigh.
Taking a stand to take in all that’s home and a beach always gives perspective. Taking it in with ease and awe makes the sigh all the more grateful.
So, take a stand with us and take in the view — grande and microcosmic, there’s something to see and sigh for in every corner. Ahhhhh … That’s summer life that’s a beach in the heart of the Rumson-Fair Haven area kid.
Click on one photo to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy!
—Photos/Elaine Van Develde exclusively for R-FH Retro
The view will remain clear for days now … until Saturday’s rain. Take a look at the week’s weather forecast from the National Weather Service …

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