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Retro Fair Haven Centenarian

U.S. Army Sgt. Ken Curchin, pilot in WW II
Photo/Curchin family

It’s a pretty well-known fact by now that Fair Haven’s Ken Curchin turned 100 on April 19.

The centenarian who’s favorite mantra is “Never quit!” led what he called a simple life enriched by family and attaining his dream of becoming a pilot when the odds were against him. After helping construct the Alcan Highway in Alaska during World War II, Ken Curchin ended up flying a B-17 Bomber in the war.

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Ken Curchin: Fair Haven’s Centenarian

Video and stories by Elaine Van Develde

Ken Curchin has been all over the world. He’s done and seen a lot. He flew a B-17 Bomber in World War II. He married his best gal and became a dad to five children. He was a barber in his family’s shop on Mechanic Street in Red Bank. He jumped off the Fair Haven Dock. All this and he says, with an eye twinkle and a his own brand of hearty hyena chuckle, that he’s “never been in the newspaper until now, sons a b******!”

Well, this is the second (or, we’re told, third) time, Mr. Curchin. Born on April 19, 1917 in the building that is now Frame It Yourself on River Road in Fair Haven, he is 100 years old today. Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect caught up with him for a second time on Easter. And what a time it was!

Happy Birthday, Mr. Curchin! Listen and learn … (Be sure to click the video to enlarge!)

Focus: Solitude & Dusk at Fair Haven Dock

Sometimes a little solitude, a stroll and a serene scene down by the Fair Haven Dock is the best thing for the soul.

While the scenery may look the same, no two riverfront snapshots in time are ever identical. Each moment is unique. Each picture different. The effect, too,  of given day down by that Navesink River can change like, well, the seasons.

It’s spring in Fair Haven. And that riverfront stroll is as soothing as the sun’s warm embrace. That’s because it’s a walk home.

Take a look …

— Elaine Van Develde

Retro RFH Beach Babies

RFH girls on the beach at the 1974 Freshmen Follies
Photo/George Day

Well, the sun has finally made its entrance into full swing spring.

Most would say, too, that the time has been right to hit the beach — with full beach gear.

So, the Retro Pic of the (George) Day commemorates setting the stage for a beach day and making that entrance with a look back at some RFH beach babies taking their ode to it all to the stage in 1974.

The girls were entering stage right for a full regalia rendition of the Beach Boys’ Girls on the Beach in the RFH Freshmen Follies.

The outfits made the hosts of the show take a step back.

So, step back in time with us and remember this special little rendition. Recognize these gals? And how about those suits?

Many thanks, again, to the fabulous George Day for this look back! 

Focus: Day is Done in Rumson

Yes, it’s just another Rumson sunset.

With the weather leaping from spring to summer sort of temperatures, lots of people flocked to Barnacle Bill’s for dinner on Wednesday night. Though, that’s not so unusual.

Another thing that’s not so unusual is the pristine view of the sunset over the Navesink River. It just doesn’t get old.

So, why not grab a couple of glimpses as the ball of fire retreats below the horizon? Why not, indeed.

Good night …

Take a look at the rapid progression  … (And don’t forget to click to enlarge!)

— Elaine Van Develde

RFH Summer School Class Schedule Released

The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) summer school schedule of academic enrichment classes for high school students in and out of district and night courses for adults has been released.

There will be two sessions. Summer Session 1 for students will run Monday through Thursday from July 10 to 20. Summer Session 2 for students will run Monday through Thursday from August 7 to 17.

Courses geared to incoming freshman students are: Technology in the High School Classroom, How to Effectively Write a 5 Paragraph Essay, Writing for Freshmen in History, and A Recipe for Success: How to Get the Most Out of High School.

Courses are also offered for students in areas of special interest, such as Broadcasting Journalism, Explore the World of Astronomy, Music Recording and Production, and Science behind the Music.

For students taking the SATs, the Princeton Review SAT Ultimate Prep Course includes fourteen afternoon sessions running from July 10 to Aug. 2. It is The Princeton Review’s most intense classroom preparation option with 25 hours of instruction plus four full-length practice SATs and access to their online student portal. A special relationship with the RFH summer program allows students to pay $899, a $200 discount from the regular price of $1,099.

Evening courses open to adults and students are Ceramics Studio/Raku Firing (July 6 to 25) and Getting to Know Your DSLR Camera (July 10 to 20).

For more information or to register online, visit the RFH website or  click here.

— Edited press release from Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School

Continue reading RFH Summer School Class Schedule Released

Focus: Beach Walkin’ & Baskin’ Weather

Get your dose of sunlight that the doctor ordered (or not) while it’s there to soak up like these folks did on Sea Bright beach Sunday!

The National Weather Service’s forecast calls for lots of the golden stuff in the Rumson-Fair Haven area with temperatures reaching a high of about 75 today.

Tomorrow, though, darker skies loom. There’s a chance of thunderstorms and showers after 10 p.m. tonight followed possibly (30 percent chance) by some precipitation on Wednesday.

Enjoy your sunny daze!

Focus: Hunting for Easter Eggs in Rumson

Sunday was a great day for romp by the river and a little hunt for Easter eggs in Rumson.

Hundreds got set and went on the run for eggs at Victory Park where spring had clearly sprung in a celebratory way.

With the sound of the fire horn, kids in two different age groups hippy hopped to gather their goodies while gobbling up all the sun and fun they could.

Take a look … (And don’t forget to click on the photos to enlarge!)

— Elaine Van Develde


Fair Haven Students’ Visit with a Famous Author

Third grade students from Sickles School shared lunch and conversation with children’s author Patricia Polacco.
Photo/Fair Haven School District
A wish came true for students in the Fair Haven School District when children’s author Patricia Polacco paid a visit recently.

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