All’s fair, after all! It’s the post-quarantine, pandemic state-of-emergency news all Fair Havenites at heart, near and far, have been waiting for: The Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair will return this year.
The highly-anticipated news, that was expected by mid-June came via the fair chairmen via social media within the past hour or so:
Here’s a glimpse back to the last fair in 2019 to boost the good-time memories … (Click on one to enlarge and scroll!)
- In Memoriam: Fair Havenite Theresa Quagliariello, 58
- Rumson Police Report: Attempted Vehicle Thefts, Attempted Burglaries, Adult Charged in Juvenile Party with Alcohol
- In Memoriam: Renowned Musician, Songwriter, Producer, Manager, Jack Ponti, 66
- In Memoriam: Longtime Little Silver Resident, Anita Rosa Damien, 95
- Retro Fall for RFH Guys’ Skate
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