Halloween Haven: Spooky Fair Haven Sightings

By Elaine Van Develde

They’re creepy and kooky, maybe a little mysterious and spooky, and, perhaps, altogether ooooky, as the classic Addams Family theme music says. Maybe all of the above. But there’s one thing Halloween decorations in Fair Haven definitely are —  part of a longstanding local celebration of the season.

Yes, fall is in the air and the Halloween spirit is adorning lawns in this 1.4-square-mile suburb. Have you seen them sprouting up all over? We have.

Here’s a sampling of a few in the light of day. Let us know (at evd@rfhretro.com) where we can find more of the most creative, creepy sights and we’ll get over there to grab a photo.

We’ll be adding to the collection; and, Rumson will have its own gallery as well.

In the end, a special Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect prize may be awarded to the winner. Don’t forget to email us your favorites; and Happy Haunting!

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