
Happy Retro RFH Halloween!

Our annual Halloween reprise! 

Halloween is here.

So, the Retro Pic of the (George) Day is, well, several pics in a slideshow of none other than those fabulously fun RFH students of the Class of ’78!

So, here’s to the retro spirit of haunting from a classic RFH gaggle of ghouls!

Can you guess which is your RFH Retro publisher/founding editor?

And, thanks to the fabulous George Day for these spectacular shots! 

Retro RFH Halloween Parade Prep


RFH ghouls, or something like that, on parade in 1977
Photo/George Day

In honor of the Halloween season, a reprise Retro Pic of the Day originally posted in 2015 … 

It’s all about Halloween festivities in an unprecedented trick, treat and haunting era right now in the Rumson-Fair Haven area. There’s distancing where there was a lot of congregating. And while the era of high alert for razors in apples is a bygone one, now there’s a pandemic, rules about touching, masking, more masking, less tricking and more careful treating. But, the Halloween show goes on. 

So, to honor the crowded gathering of ghouls in socially distanced days, we take a look back at the RFH prep for parading as all seniors packed themselves into the lounge, mingled and tried to figure out who was what and why and just have some fun. 

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Retro Falling for Three RFH Guys & a Skateboard

Triple threat RFH guys’ skate in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

Back by popular demand … A reprise of this fall day of skateboarding in the 1970s for some pandemic cheer.

You’ve seen them before … this crew of daring, not so diabolical RFH guys who had a little skateboarding club. Call these views the triple threats.

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Retro RFH Fall R & R

Lounging on the VW at RFH in the 1970s
Photo/RFH Yearbook


A reprise as an ode to an old normal and return of those sunny fall days we’ve been having … 

Everyone’s falling for the summery fall in the Rumson-Fair Haven area  lately. It makes an RFH student want to escape the classroom with a spring fever-like fervor.

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Retro RFH Aides’ Time Out

RFH library aides do chair battle in the 1970s Photo/RFH Yearbook

You’ve seen it before, but it warrants a reprise. With the recent death of aide Joan Blake RFHers all over are reminiscing about their time, or doing time, with those RFH aides. And every good RFH grad knows that they sometimes had to resort to techniques to tame us beasts that likely would get them in a heap of trouble, just like misbehaving students, if they were implemented nowadays. So, we revisit doing hard time in the library with those aides at RFH on a rainy day laden with those doldrums that they always seemed to chase away, even if it was with a chair …

Once upon a time, when the rain started, so did the antics in the library at RFH. And there to keep everyone in line and keep up one step, or a char, ahead of the antsy foul weather pranksters were those library aides.

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Remembering Joan Blake: Ode to the Fair Haven Mom, Schools’ Aide

Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School teacher aides of the 1970s, Joan Blake (far right).
Photo/screenshot of RFH yearbook

When you’ve grown up in a small town, your memories often revolve around the comforting kind of feeling that anyone else’s mother, no matter their child-rearing differences or life circumstances, is a surrogate of your very own. That’s just how it is. The neighborhood concept.

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Retro Hippie Hill Hunt Scene

It’s that time the year again when thoughts of old-time Hunt times come flooding back for many Rumson-Fair Haven area folks. There may still be a Hunt, but not this one. So, we are offering a glimpse back to the days of the Haskell Hunt from a non-tailgating vantage point with a reprise of the following Retro Pic(s) of the Day piece originally posted on Oct. 20, 2017 … 

The hunt for more Hunt photos ensued and the find was a treasure trove of glimpses at the happening scene up on hip, hip Hippie Hill. RFH grad and Hippie Hill frequenter Bird Jensen reminded us last year that the last weekend in October “would’ve been the weekend we’d all gather at Hippie Hill.” 

Fair Havenite Tom Bull’s description of The Hunt to “outsiders” has quickly become a classic: “I used to explain to people how it was a cross between a Grateful Dead concert and a Grey Poupon commercial.”

The elegant tailgating part shown in previous years would be the Grey Poupon commercial aspect. We will reprise that next. Hippie Hill is the Grateful Dead concert side — or so it would naturally seem.

So, here’s the Dead concert — or, perhaps, a little Lennon soirée …

It was probably the late 1970s. These peacefully assembled cool long hairs and renegades likely snuck into the Haskell Hunt through the fence and onto that infamous hill on ol Amory Haskell’s elegant estate. Call them musicians, concertgoers and peace pipe tokers, if you will.

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Retro RFH Soccer Kicks: From Snapshots to Livestream

You could say that some RFH friends and fans really get a kick out of soccer. And, it’s a special kind of kick this season — the kind that boots a little cheer into pandemic times.

The whistle was blown and they let the games begin last week. And on Thursday there are both boys’ and girls’ team games to be played in addition to a full season.

Continue reading Retro RFH Soccer Kicks: From Snapshots to Livestream

Retro RFH Band Plays the Field Time

RFH Marching Band circa 1970s
Photo/RFH Yearbook

Cheers! A reprise from 2016 in honor of a different kind of season during which, according to RFH posts, the band plays on …

It’s that time of the year. It’s football season — a pandemic season, at that. And that means it’s also time for the RFH Marching Band to play the field, too. They’ve been talking about practice on Twitter and they’re taking their marching orders well.

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Retro RFH Caribbean Spirits

Pandemic cheer. A reprise Retro Pic of the Day, originally posted on Sept. 14, 2016 in the spirit of the last official day of summer, knowing that the summer spirit never truly ends for the Rumson-Fair Haven area young and forever young at heart …  

With the start and end of local summer and school (in or out of the classroom), students’ thoughts naturally turn to warmth and freedom. They start to daydream.

And as it gets cooler outside, those daydreams tend to have a festive tropical island motif — well, this one anyway.

Back in the 1970s, RFH students, or a gaggle of guys, anyway, manifested those thoughts of warmer beach days, among other valiant party pursuits, into a club — The Caribbean Club.

These guys beached it in Sea Bright or somewhere along the Shrewsbury River throughout the school year. Leaving behind their bathing trunks, clad in those classic RFH button down shirts, sometimes flannel, sweaters, Levis and topsiders, the dozen of these senior dudes sought sunsets on the Shrewsbury, beer (yes, beer), parties and a proper “bon voyage for seniors embarking on the cruise of life,” so goes the description of the club in the 1975 RFH Yearbook.

Well, they did have a charitable mission. They sponsored Halloween and Christmas parties.

Somehow we’re thinking that this club would have never cut it in this era, much less made it to the yearbook touting a partying prowess. So, “Cheers!” to the Caribbean Club of yesteryear and its daydreaming days.

You guys are truly RFH policy antiques.

Who knows where the Caribbean Club hosted its most notable parties? Were you there?

— Elaine Van Develde