Baseball isn’t the only sport of the spring season. So is golf.
Continue reading Retro RFH Golfin’ Giffin GangDaily Archives: April 3, 2024
In Memoriam: Longtime Red Bank Resident, RFH ’67 Grad, Rumson Fireman, William McSorley, 74
Longtime Red Bank resident, Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of 1967 graduate and fireman, William Edward McSorley, passed away after a brief illness on Monday, April 1. He was 74.
Continue reading In Memoriam: Longtime Red Bank Resident, RFH ’67 Grad, Rumson Fireman, William McSorley, 74In Memoriam: Longtime Rumsonite, RFH ’58 Grad, Pascale Sykes Foundation Founder, Fran Pascale Sykes
Longtime Rumsonite, Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) 1958 graduate, wife, mother and founder and CEO of The Pascale Sykes Foundation, Frances Pascale Sykes, passed away peacefully on March 25, surrounded by her loved ones.
Continue reading In Memoriam: Longtime Rumsonite, RFH ’58 Grad, Pascale Sykes Foundation Founder, Fran Pascale SykesRFH Students’ Winning Jersey Shore Science Fair Projects
The scientific studies of some Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) students have made winning strides.
Continue reading RFH Students’ Winning Jersey Shore Science Fair Projects
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