Tag Archives: Katy Perry

Marching Back to an Old Fashioned Halftime

The RFH Marching Band in 1976. Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
The RFH Marching Band in 1976.
Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot

With all the post-Superbowl talk about the grandiose pop star-studded halftime, we figured our Retro Pic of the Day should be an ode to simpler, well, high school halftimes.

So, that in mind, our featured photo is of the 1976 RFH Marching Band.

No, there were no myriad costume changes, acrobatics, flying people or gigantic glass tigers (that was a tiger, right?) toting pop star Katy Perry, but these guys had a following of their own and their time to shine on the field.

We won’t editorialize on the Katy Perry popularity contest.

Now, who do you recognize in this RFH photo?