Tag Archives: feature

Retro RFH Football Boys

With the advent of the football season comes memories of old days when the RFH Band played on with more members, but many may not recall that the football team was small.

Band was big in the 1970s. But, going back more than half a century, like back to the 1930s, when RFH was Rumson High School, the football team appeared small. There was no regional. And the population was, well, small. There were sprawling estates, farms (with a lot of asparagus growing wild) and berries aplenty for picking.

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Memorial Set for Former Fair Havenite Chris Rumph, 65

The Fair Haven community is mourning the loss of former resident Christopher Rumph, who will be remembered at a service on Tuesday from 5 to 8 p.m. at Thompson Memorial Home in Red Bank.  

The following is his obituary, as prepared by his family and shared by Thompson … 

Chris Rumph
Photo/courtesy of Thompson Memorial Home

Christopher Charles Rumph was born on August 1, 1952 and passed away peacefully on September 22, 2017. Chris was a humble, hilarious, and giving man. He left the physical world in the comfort of his own home surrounded by his wife and children after a courageous fight against cancer over the last four years.

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Remembering Former Fair Havenite, RFHer, Neighbor, Carly Emmons

Carly Emmons
Photo/courtesy of Thompson Memorial Home

She had bright red lips, a pearly white smile, twinkly eyes and always a wink, a wave and some love for a neighbor. She was former Fair Havenite Carly Emmons and she passed away peacefully on Sept. 19 at the age of 84.

Her voice had a distinct ring. It was unabashedly friendly, even a bit exotic. She gushed community love when she said hello in the aisles of the Fair Haven Acme back in the 1970s — always the fashion icon of the supermarket, usually capping a tasteful outfit with some sort of fashionable hat as she waved enthusiastically with a, “Hello, dear!” and a cheek kiss and hug to all she met up with.

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Scene Around: A 70s Knollwood Teaching Moment

Fair Haven’s Knollwood School teachers of the 1970s reunite over breakfast
Photo/courtesy of Eileen Kubaitis/Facebook screenshot

It’s not every day that a bunch of longtime Fair Haven Knollwood School teachers from the 1970s era get together. It’s one day — for the first time in decades.

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The R-FH Area Weekend: Oktoberfest in September, Endless Summer Beach Cleanup & Party

Saturday of the Rumson-Fair Haven area weekend promises to be a busy, fun, even environmentally conscious day. It all starts with …

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