Tag Archives: cheerleader

Retro RFH Cheer Dudes

The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977 Photo/George Day
The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977
Photo/George Day

There have been some grey skies lately.

So, we figured we’d bring in the big boys to cheer up some sun and, well, laughs.

The Retro Pic of the (George) Day takes us back to the football season of 1977 and some special cheerleaders — very special. OK, so it was powder puff football. The girls were playing and the guys were all dressed and cheered up with definitely nowhere to go looking like that.

We’re thinking this brand of RFH cheer could even make the sun come out tomorrow — somewhere.

Now, just one thing: Why aren’t these fetching cheerleaders wearing  knee socks and proper saddle shoes? They seem to have some of the other uniform equipment questionably in place.

Give us an R! Give us an F! Give us an H! Now Run Fast and Hide from these guys! That’s the spirit!

Recognize anyone in this bevy of beauties? Let’s hear it for the guys!

— Elaine Van Develde

Many thanks, again, to the fabulous George Day for the snapshot of this classic moment back in RFH time!