There’s nothing quite like that spring Siren-like call to the beach when the weather breaks, the sun shines and the spring fever peaks. That’s just how it was for a lot of people and pets on Saturday at Sea Bright public beach.
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Retro RFHers’ Beach Dramatics
Photo/courtesy of Jenifer Weber-Zeller
By nature, there are a lot of very theatrical things about a fun fall day at the beach with a buddy, especially when you’re an RFH student and theatrical sort.
Focus: Serenity, Sun, Surf & Seagulls
Focus: Locals’ Summer Scene
It’s locals’ summer and all is serene on the beach in Sea Bright. It’s time to go walkin’ … after sunrise … lounging … exploring … this slice of life at the beach.
Here’s a glimpse of what it looks like … (And don’t forget to click to enlarge!)
— Elaine Van Develde
Scene Around: Sea Bright Skeletons in the Jeep
Photo/Jenifer Weber-Zeller
Photo/Jenifer Weber-Zeller
Summer has started. Beach weather has been prime lately.
And while getting some beach time in at Sea Bright Public Beach, an area resident caught a glimpse of two Jeep-cruisin’ dudes who look like they got fried right to the bone, but were loving every minute of it.
Check out the view of these buddies Rumsonite Jenifer Weber-Zeller caught from the back and side of the Jeep that got these two to their sun-filled siesta destination.
Have you seen them around the towns?
Locals’ Summer: Sea Bright Beaching
They call it locals’ summer for a reason.
Sometimes the shore area roads are so congested with out-of-towners in the summer that its hard to even get to the beach with a buddy, even on a street where one lives.
Well, local summer has started, beaches are more sparse, buddies are back together and there’s some quiet solo solace on the shores of Sea Bright.
Take a look.
— Elaine Van Develde
Retro Summer Swim with a Special Fair Haven Couple
Photo/courtesy of Peggy Miller
For former longtime Fair Havenites Ray Miller and his wife Irene, love endured 75 years.
Aptly, the love story between the 60-year Exxon station owner and his wife started with a first date on Valentine’s Day all those years ago when they were teens. They married after an eight-year courtship and never separated for 67 of the 75 years they knew one another — until Ray’s death in May.
As anyone can imagine, the two did a lot together. A lot can happen in 75 years, including the little things, like enjoying their summers at the beach.
So, since the season fits and the love of this Fair Haven couple is timeless, the Retro Pic of the Day honors both summer and love with a fun loving photo of Ray and Irene enjoying a day of frolicking at the beach decades ago.
We’re not certain whether or not it’s Sea Bright, but it’s likely.
Thanks to their daughter, Peggy, for providing the photo.
Hmmmm. Do you think he was about to toss her in? And what do you think they were saying to one another as this photo was shot? Ray was known for his jokes. Hmmmm.
A Palmy Friday in Sea Bright
They seem to be showing up everywhere. Palm trees.
No, it’s not Florida or the Caribbean. It’s Sea Bright. Maybe it’s because the skies are clearer lately that it’s more noticeable somehow, but it seems awfully palmy in Sea Bright — not that there’s anything wrong with that, as the Seinfeld saying goes.
The transplanted palms have actually been a trend on area beaches for some time now. Still, they just seemed to stick out like a sore palm (OK, corny) on Friday. Sore seems to be the right word, since they seem a bit unhealthy. And there are no coconuts!
Take a look. Do you like them or do you think Jersey should stick with a more native planting?
Donovan’s, Dunes & Diehards
— Photos by Elaine Van Develde
Sunday was true to its namesake. The sun was out … and bright.
So, people hit the beach in Sea Bright — a sign that spring had finally sprung.
While the sun was like a siren calling all beach bums back, upon hitting the beach, there was a chill in the blustery air.
So, some stuck it out, bundled up and taking advantage of the wind with kites, others abandoned the beach-going idea.
However, there were a few things to take notice of — like the bit of progress being made to bring Donovan’s Reef back, and the dunes sprouting up all over.
Donovan’s, the longtime Sea Bright summer classic for Rumson-Fair Haven area people and beyond, was flattened by Hurricane Sandy.
There were all sorts of rumors circulating that it had been sold, then the ownership announced that it would be rebuilt with a target date of last Memorial Day.
There’s a Tiki hut and accompanying thatch umbrella at the base of new staircases and it looks like there may be some hope for some sort of resurrection this summer. We’ll see.
And the dunes that were planted across the beach — some by the Fair Haven Garden Club — to stave off erosion are really taking hold.
Check out our photo gallery above for a glimpse into the day and the progress. Click on any photo to enlarge.
Retro Gull on the Beach
Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Our Retro Pic of the Day focuses on a gull on the beach in Sea Bright.
The intent of this pic is to get Rumson-Fair Haven people all ready for the warm weather ahead — of course.
What’s your favorite spot at the beach and what are you looking forward to most once the sun hits the shore?
Best Buds Beachin’ It
Seasonal Beach Sights in Sea Bright
By Elaine Van Develde
Rumson-Fair Haven area people have been clinging onto summer days by the sea, celebrating locals’ summer into the fall.
The crowds are gone. The temperature is tepid. And the sun gently kisses the the sand and surf. Serenity and solace prevail in a Sea Bright that is still steadily recovering from Hurricane Sandy.
See for yourself.
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