Simple Summer: RFHers’ Pre-Reunion Reuniting

It’s summertime. And in the truest of carpe-the-summertime-diem spirits, there’s no simpler a summer pleasure than an impromptu reunion among Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) grads before the 45th reunion main event.

Somehow, in a very ingeniously designed improvisational moment, three RFH girls, from different corners of the U.S. and globe, for that matter, managed to meet a few weeks ago — in Maine.

Yes, two Fair Haven- and one Rumson-raised RFH Class of ’78 grads got it into their smart, reunion-inspired heads that they needed to meet up. Out of the blue. And they did. That’s where the improv comes in.

They didn’t plan it, as they said in a little video made for Class of ’78 “kids.”

“We’re here in Camden, Maine; and we’re having a mini reunion,” the Rumson-raised Bird (of the Phoenix Movement) Jensen said. ” … which we didn’t plan two days ago, but it just happened,” Fair Haven girl Lisa Ericson added.

“But it’s perfect,” the other Fair Haven-raised girl, Alex Christie, said.

They boasted of the simple summer pleasure of reuniting a la carte over RFH-anchored gratitude, lobster rolls, pear Bellinis, a Malbec and, kid-waterfront bliss, just like home … a lot further north. RFH golden years gold, they called it — something like that.

“We’re so grateful to have gotten together,” Ericson added before the menu read and sign off.

How the trio of different RFH cliques managed to converge in the same star-aligned far-from-home base, no one really revealed. But, as they said, what mattered is that they ended up together. And oh, so joyously.

Now that breathes a content sigh of simple summer golden sunshine, if there was one. Clearly, there was. And these girls shone. Bright.

There were other glimpses into the reuniting of the Rumson-Fair Haven waterfront-bred minds with festive snapshots of moments donning one another with seaweed inspired sea goddess outfits and heart-soaked glee.

The snapshot shows it all. It speaks and wreaks elated rays in this shower of sunshiney simplicity on a summer day. Who doesn’t need to catch some of these rays? Connection like this brings them within reach. Grab on!

The RFH Class of ’78 45th reunion is set for Aug. 26 at Shore Casino, the poetically-correct place of the class’s senior dinner dance in the summer of ’78. The class is taking it back to the true scene of dancing high school away. Stay tuned for more. In the meantime, classmates, get your disco on, RSVP and get that check in the mail or Venmoed. See the reunion’s Facebook page.

— Photo/a scene onlooker and Bird Jensen