RFH Reunion Time: Retro Fair Haven Class Act

Mrs. Scott’s Fair Haven Willow Street School second grade class of 1968-69

Summertime is reunion time for all good Rumson-Fair Haven Regional     High School alumnus. This weekend it’s the RFH Class of ’79’s turn to turn back time four decades.

Reunions RFH style tend to be quite grand and span several days. After all, there’s a lot to reminisce about or at least try to remember as old, old classmates and friends on home turf.

So, straining the mind way on back to second grade to pluck a few memories of school days connections can be a bit bendy. Call it a little ole grey matter exercise, a warm-up, if you will, for this weekend’s party gymnastics.

With that in sound mind of the 40th reunion classmates, we put on our bifocals and give a gander to some of the earliest school days for the Class of ’79 with a look at Mrs. Scott’s second grade class in Fair Haven’s then Willow Street School.

Some of these people are likely still friends, others moved before high school and some may have passed.

One sentiment will never pass, though. That is the feeling of that first day in school, and meeting, for the first time, someone you don’t realize you will know for the rest of your life. The hometown connection. It’s an obstinate one.

The memories of someone’s tooth-challenged grin, bad hair day or questionable kid habits linger like persistent puppy breath — not so flattering, a little nasty, but endearing, comforting. Nothing quite like it.

And just why is it that when you see that person half a century later, you still see that little face and remember all the little things gone a foul, like them barfing in class, swallowing a baby tooth or yanking your square pig tails? Because you know you’re home again. That’s why. Nothing can bring you there faster than a memory of a lifetime connection’s beginning, ugly as it can be. Welcome home, RFH Class of ’79!

Travel back in time with the RFH Class of ’79’s Fair Haven kids and remember Mrs. Scott’s second grade class in the year 1968-69.

Where are they now? Will all of them come home this weekend? What class act memories bring these kids home fastest? You? The person who became your best friend? The class bully? Your first class memory?

Rumsonites, send us your class photos at evd@rfhretro.com!