Photo/RFH yearbook
It’s a date! The RFH Tower Players never really had to make a date to play. But they have always needed to make a date for a production — like the fall show or spring musical.

This shot back in time to 1974 is an RFH yearbook capture of the troupe of merry players. The musical that school year, actually in 1975, was Mary Sunshine. This year, for the Tower Players, it’s Matilda the Musical. This year’s musical brings back a very long lost, if ever, tradition of a two weekend run. Well, it’s actually five nights.
The usual for the spring musical, for decades, was a Thursday through Saturday run … aaaaaand curtain on the Saturday night finale. Then it went to Friday and Saturday nights and ending with a Sunday matinee.
But, no matter the show or the run, Tower Players are always playing. Always have been. That’s the real tradition. And it’s one that will never change. The size of the troupe has dwindled, but the ol’ merry player spirit has not.
Back in the day, the spring musical was the show for which open auditions were held. Hundreds auditioned. Tower Players were auditioned as well. Who has a “best mishap in an audition” story to share?
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- Retro RFH Tower Player Play Date
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