Retro RFH Senior Lounge Groovin’

RFH seniors of 1974 lounge in the Senior Commons
Photo/RFH Yearbook

The year was 1974 and the top hits were The Way We Were and Seasons in the Sun. Ironic …

And back in that year, the seniors at RFH had plenty of joy and fun and some seasons out of the sun. That was OK, though, because they had they had the Senior Commons for those chilly, wintry dank days. It was just the way they were — literally sinking into the groove, known as the groovy floor, in the lounge.

No sinking feelings on chillin’ in winter. The only thing with any kind of sinking anything going on was that carpeted pit of a floor. Hey, those sunken floors and bean bag chairs were all the grooving rage in the 1970s.

And that senior lounging spot had many sunken, carpeted niches and bean-flush cushions, too. Rather than a table, which there were several of in the lounge, seniors took to climbing down and hanging back in the hole in the floor.

The senior classmates of this shot back in time in 1974 are now technically senior citizens. Shhhhhhhh … OUCH. But that’s just a minor technicality which is largely ignored, knowing them.

While some of these seniors are likely wincing at the thought of copping any kind of undoable squat in a sunken floor at this point, it’s also likely that they’re wishing they were back there.

Let’s face it, there was nothing cold and dampening about a day or several together in the Senior Commons at RFH. Of course, that’s obsolete now. But, hey, present RFH seniors can dream — back in time — of free periods, conversation and just plain fancy grooving on a weekday morning or afternoon in a little niche literally carved out just for them.

Considering the year, what do you think was the topic of the day in this RFH group in this pic? Know these RFHers? There are some athletes, a homecoming queen and a Tower Player. Caption this … aaaaaand GO!


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