It’s Santa and stroll time tonight in Fair Haven.

It all starts at 5:30 p.m. with all gathering in the business district by Memorial Park, at the corner of Fair Haven and River roads. Getting festive and doing a little stroll from business to business is the idea every year. The map below shows where to go and what’s going on at each business, like treats, games and other holiday-spirited goodies.
Then, as usual, Santa will arrive on the firetruck at about 6 and pose for pictures with the kids center park, so to speak. The official lighting of the Christmas tree, crafts, lots of “Cheese!” with Santa and mingling with some music intertwined will complete the eve.
Send your best candid shots, or prime photo moments, to Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect at to be featured in our “Caught in the Holiday Act” gallery. Think very candid, “kids and adults do the darnedest things” kind of freeze frame. The winner will get a prize. Don’t forget! Send them over to! We’re waiting …
In the meantime, here are some prized moments captured over the years at the tree lighting and, of course, that map for tonight. (Click on one to enlarge and scroll and find yourself! Enjoy!) Holiday cheers, all!

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