Focus: RFH Class of ’78 Reuniting

Some things never change. And that’s a good thing for the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of 1978.

It was a rollicking 45th reunion on Saturday night for this crew of 81 of the class of 314 grads at the infamous spot of their senior dinner dance in ’78 — Shore Casino in Atlantic Highlands.

Oh, what a night! If the 1970s song fits, this group of happy RFH hooligans will dance. And they did. They danced, sang, joked, jibed and played the great event part all over again with the same gusto as usual. No mellowing here. This class gets down, boogies and hustles with the best of them — their ’78 classmates. No last dance here. They’re already talking about their 50th.

Take a look and see what it’s like to reunite among RFHers of the Class of ’78 … (Don’t forget to click on ONE photo in the gallery to enlarge and scroll!)

— Photos/Elaine Van Develde

And more fun captured from RFH’s yearbook photographer extraordinaire, George Day …

(Again, don’t forget to click on one photo to enlarge and scroll!)


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