Sometimes getting benched is a good thing, especially when it’s on the Fair Haven Dock.
No matter where you sit, the perspective is a clear one. And when the sun’s shining, the shadows cast are dream fetchers, not ominous loomers.
In the shadows, all daydreams point to the Navesink River. The spring sun makes them sparkle, each a daylight star dancing on the tide. And sometimes, the more you sit alone with your dreams and the memories that created them, the brighter the sun shines and the more clearly the stars glisten.
They bounce off the sun-lit river, as it laps with contentment, and reach for the moon. The dreams’ stars — they all emanate from that one good place down by the river, benched.
— Photos/Elaine Van Develde for R-FH Retro exclusively
And the sun is making way for many stars to rise these days. Here’s the weather forecast from the National Weather Service …

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