Category Archives: Arts & Entertainment

Keep up to date with the arts events in the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

Scene Around: A Rumson Family’s ‘Shelter in Solitude’

Have you seen her? Probably. At the store, in the car, at local haunts, at charity events, at the schools, at church — and on stage, on TV … and in the movies. The latest you’ll see of her, other than around the towns, is on screen in the now streaming movie Shelter in Solitude.

She’s Siobhan Fallon Hogan. She’s a Rumsonite. And, among (or sometimes above) other things, she’s an actress. Rumson’s local celebrity. And seeing her in the movies these days means also knowing that it’s a Hogan family affair in independent filmmaking. Call it, rather, a Rumson family production/acting entourage of three RFH grads — her husband Pete and kids — and a character actress star/screenwriter imported to Rumson by marriage.

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Scene Around: RFH PAS Elf on the Winter Concert Shelf

It’s not every day that the artsy elf on someone’s shelf escapes to the lobby of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) on a merry mission. It’s just at winter concert time.

And this was an elf on a mission — to promote RFH performing arts and pedal some snacks and RFH Performing Arts Society swag, of course. The elf off her shelf? Well, that’s RFH PAS President Patty Gagliardi.

Though you might have thought she was Santa Claus considering all the festive RFH PAS loot she had to sell for the good cause of keeping the performing arts going strong in the school. Shop, not workshop, set up for before, during and after the concert, there were RFH PAS ornaments, magnets, tote bags, mugs and water bottles.

It was really more like elf in a box — a holiday gift box. A box full of the myriad gifts of music and performance all wrapped up with an RFH PAS bow.

The concert wrapped up, too, those RFH PAS elves’ goodies are bound to get unwrapped somewhere. The gifts? Behind each RFH PAS piece of swag is an enduring memory and a little support.

Bravo, RFH PAS musicians and singers! Sing and play on!


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Focus: RFH Tower Players’ ‘Robin Hood’ Curtain

Bow, curtain, mingle and pose. The show time tradition continues for Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Players. After the final show, there’s always a time for lobby cheers, tears and smiles.

That’s what happened with this past weekend’s fall production of The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood. The players played to full houses and took their final bow at the Sunday matinee.

The after-show lobby time? Well, not only did they pose, but, as usual the cast was flanked by flowers, family and friends and, yes, even some Tower Player alumni.

The smiles are telling. All was a success. Take a look (Click on one photo to enlarge and scroll!)

And, RFH PAS reminds all that the spring musical is Anything Goes!

For this one, there was an “interest” meeting on Monday. There will also be mandatory tap workshops from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Nov. 21 and 29 and Dec. 5. Auditions are set for Dec. 11 at 4 p.m. and Dec. 12 at 6 p.m..

In line with the Anything Goes theme song, “times have changed.” Interest in the spring musical was always enthusiastic and highly competitive. Get those tap shoes tapping, players!

— Photos/courtesy of RFH PAS

RFH Tower Players Set a Merry Stage for ‘Robin Hood’

The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Players set to put the merry into Merry Men with their own brand of comedy in the fall production of Mary Lynn Dobson’s The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood. The show will run from Nov. 17 to 19.

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RFH Tower Players Set Stage for Haunting Production of ‘The Canterville Ghost’

RFH Tower Players rehearse The Canterville Ghost

Call it a spirited play time.

The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Players are staging their fall production of The Canterville Ghost, set for Nov. 18 to 20 on the RFH stage.

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Old News: RFH Musical Show Times Bow

Well, it’s closing weekend of the RFH spring musical Mamma Mia! Curtain up and take a bow, Tower Players!

The spring musical has always been a celebrated rite of passage at the high school. RFH productions have been hailed with standing ovations and awards for decades.

Continue reading Old News: RFH Musical Show Times Bow

Scene Around: After the ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Curtain Call

And that’s a masked wrap! That’s how those traditional moments went after the final curtain call of the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Players’ production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow on Sunday.

It was the troupe’s first indoor show since COVID-19. Donning transparent, and some opaque, masks, mics and a “go on with the show” attitude, the Tower Players triumphed with its fall production.

By all accounts, a great time back on the stage again was had by all. And after taking that final bow, the cast mingled with the audience and one another to pose, smile and bond some more about their show time together.

Take a look at the photo gallery above for a glimpse into that time after the curtain call. (CLICK on one photo to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy!)

Until the next final curtain call in spring …

Bravo, RFH Tower Players!

**Thanks to RFH PAS parents and students for the pics of those after-show moments!**

Focus: Good RFH PAS Coffee House Times

Pumped up and piping hot, like a good, strong cup of java, Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) musicians revived their live coffee house last night.

It was a time to sing, play and socialize in person once again after COVID-19 quashed the event last year.

Organized by RFH music teacher Zach Lorelli, with tech direction by Matt Leddin, the revival RFH Performing Arts Society (PAS) event was a success, by all accounts.

The program was full, artistic palettes were satiated and a surprise jam came at the end.

With Tobias Ramondo on drums and Luke LaGratta on guitar, Jackson Champeau sang.

RFH PAS is always looking to showcase new talent; and there will be an encore in the spring, so anyone interested in performing can contact Lorelli at RFH.

Check out the photos and slideshow above for a glimpse into the evening. CLICK on one photo in the gallery to enlarge and scroll for a closer look!

*Thanks to RFH PAS parent Joanne Mitchell Formisano for contributing the photos!*

RFH Tower Players Hit the Indoor Stage Again with ‘Legend of Sleepy Hollow’

After a year of virtual and outdoor productions, the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Players are making a comeback to the indoor stage with their fall production — Legend of Sleepy Hollow, adapted by Vera Morris.

Continue reading RFH Tower Players Hit the Indoor Stage Again with ‘Legend of Sleepy Hollow’