Focus: Honoring Fair Haven’s Vets

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I wouldn’t ever want to be anywhere else but here today,” Fair Haven’s second oldest living World War II and Korean War veteran Ray Taylor said with a teary-eyed smile as someone shook his hand and thanked him for his service. He then gently placed his decorated hat back on his head after holding it over his heart for The Pledge of Allegiance that began the Fair Haven Veterans Day service on Friday.

Memorial Park was filled beyond capacity with veterans, police, firemen, children, parents and officials who were there to pay homage to those who have served and still are serving.

The fall sun cast a warm glow on the patriotic spirit of the ceremony of honor.

Take a look … Thank you to our veterans.

— Elaine Van Develde





Focus: Honoring Rumson’s Vets

The sun shone bright in Rumson’s Victory Park on Friday, casting a bright light of honor on the borough’s vets.

Homage was paid to all the living who served their country, those presently in service and those who have passed.

There was a call for respect — of them, the freedom of choice for which they fought, and for peace.

Thank you to all of our veterans. Take a peek into the Veterans Day 2016 moment in Rumson …

— Elaine Van Develde