
Retro RFH Cheer for the State Football Champs

The role reversed cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977. Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
The role reversed cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977. Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot

When RFH won its fourth consecutive football state championship on Saturday, cheers could be heard for miles around — and days.

In fact, fans and alumnus from all over are still shouting the ol’ “Hey, purple, hey white, you look so good to me … Hey! Hey!” Well, it went something like that back in the 1970s.

And in the 70s there was also a very special group of cheerleaders with a unique twist on a cheer and, of course, those outfits. Never mind the pom-poms and mustaches.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day honors that special cheer that can be heard for miles around led by this special group of RFH Class of ’78 guys.

Recognize any of these special fellas? One or two of them may have actually been at Saturday’s game. Can you hear them now?

— Elaine Van Develde

Retro RFH Class of 2006: Knollwood, Frosh & Junior Moments

More than a decade ago, the classmates in the RFH Class of 2006 were the newbies in the hallowed halls — freshmen. Then sophomores. Then juniors … and seniors, graduates and, well, for the past decade,  alumnus.

There was a 10-year reunion on Saturday at which these old friends, some who have been buds since kindergarten, got a chance to reminisce about the good, the bad and the sometimes ugly times in their journeys together.

There were those birthday parties with the entire class, cupcakes and messy little mugs. There were those kid sleepovers where there wasn’t much sleep and a lot of pranking. There were field days, class trips, Halloweens, parades, Stokes, proms, summers at the beach, the river, games and graduation and partying. And there were those little things … like shortcut walks to school replete with a trip and fall into the creek or hangin’ a loose with Silvio at Umberto’s after school.

That was then. And now … Well, now those “kids” on their way to their third decade in life, with one solid in adulthood.

They’re hitting 30 soon and making their parents feel pretty old.

So, out of respect for the elders and honoring memories, the Retro Pic(s) of the Day features some of the youngsters of the Class of 2006 with: a peek back to eighth grade and the Knollwood Class of 2002; a glimpse at some freshmen fun hanging out with buds; and a little junior year rewind to a trek into the NYC with a few friends at Christmas time.

Take a look back and recall the days of old with the Class of 2006. Recognize any of these kids?


Retro RFH Show Time!

It’s opening night for the RFH Tower Players’ fall show.

The fall show at RFH has been a longstanding tradition along with the spring musical.

But, back in the day, of, well, the 1970s, there was also the RFH Freshmen Follies which got the new kids in the halls on stage. It was a way for the youngest in the high school to, let’s say, come out of their shell. And they did.

So, the Retro Pic of the (George) Day literally honors the RFH Class of ’78 President Ward Tietz, who not only came out of his shell for the show, but wore a couple of shells like medals on his chest — coconut shells, in fact.

He agreed to join this editor (right) and her best buddy and don a hula skirt, flower headdress and coconut shell bikini top in the great ol’ stage tradition of doing anything for a laugh. Farce. He got those laughs, including many from his own co-stars, who even lost their own sailor hats and nearly fell over mid-song as he strutted and cried under his breath that the stinking shells were itchy and giving him a rash.

That’s our Honey Bun, in the tradition of belly laughs, RFH camaraderie and a tribute to friends and the power of a fun song from an old musical, South Pacific.

This number just never fails in any era — especially considering the star’s outfit.

Get a load of Honey Bun from an RFH stage in ’74!

RIP my best friend Stephanie DeSesa (left in photo). Thank you. I’m still laughing with you.  

Thank you, again, George Day, for preserving yet another priceless RFH memory!

An R-FH Area Vets Remembrance

Their faces are the faces at the core of a close-knit community.

They were neighbors, dads, and just plain friendly faces around the Rumson-Fair Haven area towns. They were also veterans.

They served. They fought for freedom in World War II and the Korean War.

They lived their lives with hometown pride, honor and respect. They were founding fathers, friends. They were cornerstones of the sense of community that is the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

The gift of their legacies bears no upscale real estate market value. They passed along a love of country and community that is priceless.

Thank you, on Veterans Day, to the veterans of the area who have passed. You are cherished, honored.

Take a look at some of their faces and remember.

— Elaine Van Develde

— Photos, courtesy of families of the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

A Retro RFH Football Home Game Cheer

The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977 Photo/George Day
The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977
Photo/George Day

Friday night is the night — homecoming football game at RFH and, well, carnival.

There is no Thanksgiving Day game anymore welcoming RFH alum back from college in a mini reunion of sorts. The game isn’t against Red Bank Catholic (RBC). There’s no dance the night before the game with invites to those alumni who came home from college for the first time. And, the latest controversy among many RFHers of the past and present is the nixing of the homecoming king and queen.

Continue reading A Retro RFH Football Home Game Cheer

Retro RFH Gaggle of Halloween Gals

RFH Halloween of 1977 with a gaggle of girls Photo/George Day
RFH Halloween of 1977 with a gaggle of girls
Photo/George Day

It’s in the air. Halloween.

That means it’s about that time that people start planning their costumes — or not.

At RFH, oh so many bewitching moons ago, there was a lot of planning going on to celebrate the season. Halloween was a full-day of tricking, treating and staying in costumed character in the high schools hallowed halls.

So, the Retro Pic of the (George) Day is an ode to the camaraderie celebrated within a gaggle of girls all for the sake of friendship and a just plain fun full day of RFH Halloween.

Some of these costumes may not pass muster in the guarded school daze of today. Which ones do you think those might be? Then again … Recognize any of these good ghouls? OK, who’s the ghost?

Scared o’ them!

— Elaine Van Develde

Thanks, once again, to the fabulous George Day for this peek back in RFH time!

Retro Supreme RFH Talent

A Supreme act in the 1974 RFH Freshmen Follies Photo/George Day

Oh, the rain has stopped and the clouds have made way for crisp, sunny fall air. That’s definitely something to sing about — even dance about. No rain dances please, though.

That’s one thing. But another is that fall in RFH land has customarily been the season for shows — a Tower Players production and/or a variety show of sorts.

And, back in those 70s days, there was an annual Freshmen Follies. Yes, there was. Nothing quite like it anymore — not that there’s anything wrong with that.

But, this show was something special. It got the newbies in the high school up, out of their freshmen shy shells and spewing all sorts of talent.

Back in 1974, a few guys took playing to that talent show tune to heart and set themselves free on stage. They got some wigs (don’t ask from where), some of mom’s mod maxi dresses, a little glitter and even a floppy hat (Hey, they were in!) and they sang something supreme — literally.

These guys were Diana Ross and the Supremes. Kevin Reed, if we’re not mistaken, was Diana, albeit a shorter version with nowhere near the amount of hair. The floppy hat was a substitute. And the other three, well, they were the Supremes.

Know what song they were singing? Anyone? And who are those other beauties. Don’t be shy now …

Someone set them free … Talk about a good wig-out! Priceless.

— Elaine Van Develde

Again, we thank George Day for this supreme gem! 

Retro RFH Cheer Dudes

The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977 Photo/George Day
The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977
Photo/George Day

There have been some grey skies lately.

So, we figured we’d bring in the big boys to cheer up some sun and, well, laughs.

The Retro Pic of the (George) Day takes us back to the football season of 1977 and some special cheerleaders — very special. OK, so it was powder puff football. The girls were playing and the guys were all dressed and cheered up with definitely nowhere to go looking like that.

We’re thinking this brand of RFH cheer could even make the sun come out tomorrow — somewhere.

Now, just one thing: Why aren’t these fetching cheerleaders wearing  knee socks and proper saddle shoes? They seem to have some of the other uniform equipment questionably in place.

Give us an R! Give us an F! Give us an H! Now Run Fast and Hide from these guys! That’s the spirit!

Recognize anyone in this bevy of beauties? Let’s hear it for the guys!

— Elaine Van Develde

Many thanks, again, to the fabulous George Day for the snapshot of this classic moment back in RFH time!

Retro RFH Witchy Women

A witchy retro bike ride at RFH circa 1970s Photo/George Day
A witchy retro bike ride at RFH circa 1970s
Photo/George Day

Yes, it is the season of the witch … and pumpkin carving, and falling leaves, and goblins, and ghouls, and all sorts of tricks and treats. Something like that.

So, to capture a sort of catapult into the time of year, which people seem to already be riding into, we take a look back at a time in the 1970s when Halloween planning at RFH was almost a full-time job. Never mind homework. This was it.

The Retro Pic of the (George) Day is symbolic of the culmination of all that planning and, of course, the ride — a tandem witchy ride into the festivities with the bike and the broom … stick … back-up. Oh, they were well on their way and got where they were going.

You could say these two RFH ghouls’s mission took flight without a hitch.

Must have been the season of the witch. Know who they were?

— Elaine Van Develde

Oh, and thanks, again, to George Day for a great RFH glimpse back in time with this photo!

Retro RFH Bleacher Blast & Love Story

Bleacher fun at RFH circa 1970s Photo/George Day
Bleacher fun at RFH circa 1970s
Photo/George Day

Yes, it’s that time again … RFH football.

Friday night the game’s on at Middletown South at 7 p.m and, yes, there are South bleacher security rules, too. It’s a sign of the times.

The open letter of rules goes like this …

“Middletown South contacted me with information regarding the football game at Middletown South on Friday Night, 7pm.

“There will be NO pre-sale tickets for the game
An additional entrance will be established for RFH fans — on the visitor side of the bleachers

“Backpacks and large bags, including large pursues, will not be permitted into the game. Smaller personal bags will be subject to search by Middletown Police

“Parking will be very tight on campus and families are encouraged to car pool as possible.


Chris Lanzalotto
RFH Athletic Director

Go Bulldogs!”

But, back in the day, at least in the 1970s, there was little, if any of all that. Teens bagged it and packed it all up with lots of smiles and innocent, well, pretty innocent antics.

So, the Retro Pic of the (George) Day offers a glimpse back to the RFH bleachers again … with some smiles.

Recognize this crew from the Class of ’79? There’s one gal here who recently came home and married a fellow RFHer who she didn’t know in high school (’cause he was a tad older). He brought her back home to Fair Haven. And they live there again together … happily ever after … or at least smiling like in the old days on those bleachers when they hadn’t even passed by one another in the hallway.

Now that’s a home game.

— Elaine Van Develde


Retro Pick of a Fair Winner

A fair 50/50 drawing of yesteryear. Photo/FHFD
A fair 50/50 drawing of yesteryear.

It’s one of those Mega Millions drawing nights, so it seems appropriate to take a look back at picking another winner — a 50/50 Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair winner.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day honors the picking of a winner … a fair winner … in a fair way.

In this shot, the guys are giving the tickets a tumble, poised to dig in, fetch and announce the number that will match up with the person holding the stub.

The set-up of the 50/50 Booth was similar yet a bit different back in the day. That would be Jim Butler doing something there to help and a bunch of onlookers drinking beers and hoping to get lucky … with their numbers.

Can anyone wager a guess as to how high the 50/50 has gone or did go in those days, which were likely the early 1970s? And who was the biggest winner — before the days of the Super 50/50?

Round and round she goes … Do we have a winner?