Sing it! Row that boat ashore, Michael, Mary, Karen, Lynn, and whoever else has an oar. And, whatever you do, don’t rain on their parade! You couldn’t if you tried.
Continue reading Retro Fair Haven Folk Singers’ Song of Simple JoySing it! Row that boat ashore, Michael, Mary, Karen, Lynn, and whoever else has an oar. And, whatever you do, don’t rain on their parade! You couldn’t if you tried.
Continue reading Retro Fair Haven Folk Singers’ Song of Simple JoyThey had the “whole world” in their hands. The whole wide world. And they didn’t even know it.
It was a song the Fair Haven Folk Singers used to strum, sing and march to in parades. It encapsulated some happy insular times in one tiny niche in the world aptly called Fair Haven. The mission of the Fair Haven Folk Singers was a simple one — learn to play the guitar, all three chords, strum, sing, smile and spread the joy of music.
Continue reading Retro Fair Haven Folk Singer ParadingShe’s that lady who taught guitar to many a Fair Haven kid. She rowed the musical boat ashore and marched, played and sang with them as Fair Haven Folk Singers in parades. She’s Barbara Leslie. Her iconic base of song and play? The Whistle Stop.
Continue reading Scene Around: Whistling & Stopping Home with Barbara LeslieSept. 11 marked the 35th anniversary of the iconic Fair Haven Whistle Stop owner Frank Leslie’s death. So, in honor of Mr. Leslie and the wonderful memories he and his wife, Barbara, gave so many Fair Haven kids, we are reprising our piece on the Leslies and their oh, so sweet after-school stop. Thank you, Frank Leslie. You are remembered. Thirty-five years? Wow.
By Elaine Van Develde
Sometimes all it takes is a jawbreaker, a slice of Elio’s frozen pizza, pinball and friends all enveloped in a gingham-curtained room with a jovial giant of a dad host to make a bunch of kids smile.
Sometimes. Some simpler time back in time.
Continue reading Retro Whistle Stop Kids’ SceneToday would have marked the 89th birthday of Fair Haven’s Frank Leslie Sr., owner of the iconic Whistle Stop. In honor of that, we are sharing this piece originally posted on July 20, 2016. Happy Birthday, Mr. Leslie! Thanks for the many smiles and simple good times!
By Elaine Van Develde
Sometimes all it takes is a jawbreaker, a slice of Elio’s pizza, pinball and friends all enveloped in a gingham-curtained room with a jovial giant of a dad host to make a bunch of kids smile.
Sometimes. Some simpler time back in time.
Continue reading Retro Whistle Stop Smiles; Timeless Celebration of a Fair Haven Icon’s Birthday
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