Simple Summer: Scout Camp Revival

One time, at Boy Scout camp …

It’s a sizzler of a summer week; and, this time at scout camp, Fair Haven’s Troop #125 is back at its old Forestburgh, NY haunt after a two-year COVID-forced respite and taking in some of those old-but-new scout lessons while cooking up some stuff.

“Scouting is back in Fair Haven after a little break,” Troop #125 leader and Fair Haven Council President Chris Rodriguez said. “We lost scouts for two years, and then it was resurrected.”

It sure was, and in the heat of the summer, too. But, these 12-year-old scouts aren’t feeling scorched, much less burned. They’re chill and back “learning civics, character and teamwork as well as life skills,” Rodriguez added. “I always say the best education I have gotten of all was in scouts.”

Of course, that’s no dig at the highly ranked Fair Haven schools.

But, honestly, a few things, and at least one thing that’s a favorite of the scouts at camp just can’t be taught in the classroom.

For instance, with this troop, Rodriguez says, there’s a passion for cooking in a Dutch oven. The boys, he says, are enamored with the versatility of the oven, because “you can do breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, bread, you name it …”

The Dutch oven goes over, on and under the fire with hot coals all around. Talk about sizzling summer camp …

We got a peek into the boys’ cooking with a pic of some partially ravaged nachos. Looking good!

Though, we must say, back in the days of the dinosaurs of scouting, we cannot recall such fancy feasts over the fire. In fact, S’mores were the height of cuisine over the flame.

Then, there was the time that a Girl Scout in a Fair Haven troop back in the early 1970s, who shall remain nameless, decided to take some acorns from the ground, cook them over the S’more fire without anyone realizing, eat them and hurl all night long, freaking out tent mates and leaders.

Hey, she was trying to absorb nature and be inventive. How harmful could eating acorns be? After all, critters eat them. And this troop was definitely one filled with mischievous little critters.

Oh, she’s still alive and quite well, but the Dutch oven nachos sound and look much better!

Of course, in addition to learning how to cook up something good for themselves and small groups, the boys of Troop #125 are brewing more fun and lessons with their love of the waterfront, wood carving, knot tying, all that camaraderie and more. Simple.

Take a look at the photo gallery above, courtesy of Rodriguez, for a glimpse into this true simple summer tradition revived. (CLICK on one photo to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy!)

Cheers to good summer times with the scouts! Tell us about your simple summer pleasure. Nothing fancy. Any basic will do. Send us your summer fun pic at with a little something about it.

Here’s to simple summer pleasure and staying cool in every way!

— Photos/Chris Rodriguez