There’s nothing quite like a spring swing.
OK, so this may have been summer, as the shorts sort of say it. But the beautiful simplicity of a plain ol’ spring swing just suits the first day of spring perfectly.

And what better way to celebrate swinging into spring than with a look back to the 1960s and some simple, sunny living in Fair Haven.
This swinging was done on Laurel Drive, to be exact, with a “let’s all join hands and …” The swingers? Well, those are the McGloin sisters, Elaine, Julie and Mare, and their aunt.
Spring. It signals rebirth. One of the swinging McGloin girls passed away recently — Mare. Her transformative spirit is captured here — swinging back to a simpler time.
The swing back to backyard play basics of the ’60s is a reminder that the best of blooms in times are right in your own back yard. It’s pretty simple — this pretty picture. No kid seemed to need a full-on fort swing set, even though those newfangled ones are pretty cool. Who knew? No one. Speaking of … Who remembers those metal horse kind of things (left) that pinched your legs if you swing the wrong way?
Swing on! Spring into some fun backyard action this season!
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