Retro RFHers’ Cheers to Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne. The lyrics of the song are all about friendship — forever friends raising a glass and toasting to the good times, adventures and misadventures they’ve shared.

And in this case, those times shared among these friends started in childhood in Fair Haven. They evolved all through high school, college and into adulthood … and until one died tragically. The times among these friends are still celebrated, still unforgettable.

The guys, from the RFH Class of ’78, are Doug Borden, Dave Memmott and Ted Sidun. Filled champagne flutes in hand, a little “Cheers!” was inevitable when this photo was taken back in either the late 1970 or early ’80s. It’s not certain whether or not it was actually New Year’s Eve.

No matter what the occasion, though, this trio of friends always had something to celebrate — their friendship. Still do.

Though one is gone, the memories live on. They’re the clink in the glasses, the unburst bubbles in the champagne. The ones that tickle as they trickle down that little lump in the throat. The ones that make you giggle over that picture of growing up only seen in those minds among those friends. The one that stays in their hearts.

So, cheers to auld lang syne, guarding the giggles and making room for more guffaws!

RIP, Dave Memmott.


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