Summer theater productions are opening once again all over the Rumson-Fair Haven area. This seasonal show time for locals has proven as popular as hitting the beach with buddies — OK, far away from the invasion of the outta town tourists.
And, for some, being the entertainers is just as popular a summer activity. Summer theater has always been a great training ground for rising stars and hopefuls honing whatever talent they can muster just for fun. It’s also been a hobby and summertime activity that has kept teens busy, off the streets and on the stage or behind the scenes full of greasepaint and good times.
Yes, teens. Back in the day, RFH had summer theater. There was a nominal fee, auditions and a full scale musical in the end.
For the few years it was in existence, it was rather popular among serious theater teens as well as summer fun seekers with a penchant for dressing oddly, singing, dancing and acting after weeks of long rehearsals and, yes, lots of fun and pranks among show folk friends.
So, the Retro Pic(s) of the Day offer a glimpse back to one of those summer shows at RFH. The year was 1976 and the musical was Carnival. There were all sorts of acrobatics, puppets, flashy costumes, friendships forged and those summer night cast parties.
Yes, RFH used to have cast parties. Big cast parties.
The featured photo is of one of the chorus members being made up as an exotic carnival dancer. Recognize these girls? One still lives in Fair Haven. Then there’s a look at a guy from the chorus who is still in the area as well. Know him?
Check out the program for some familiar names.
So, here’s to the cast of Carnival and summer theater at a high school by the sea …
Remember this cast?
This Retro Pic of the Day feature was originally posted on July 24, 2018. The reprise is a reminder that there’s no biz like high school summer theater show biz!
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