It’s that time of the RFH school year when the Tower Players are readying their fall production. This year it’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and curtain goes up three days from now.
Shows have always been a tradition at RFH — every high school, for that matter. There are usually two: a fall drama and a spring musical.
But, back in the 1970s, there was more. Seniors had an end-of-the-year variety show and, for a short stint, freshmen had a follies. And in the fall of 1974, all freshmen talent was pooled and the follies show went on.
Groups of students were asked to submit an act. There were many: comedy, song, dance, you name it. A unique version of Diana Ross and the Supremes made its debut. A bunch of girls in tuxedo tails and tights played kazoos and danced to Beethoven’s Fifth. The Wizard of Oz had a strange Toto. There were Girls on the Beach and so much more.
The show opened with a Mickey Mouse-type intro, bringing the president of the class center stage. And so it began …
And so the Retro Pic of the Day is a look back at a rehearsal pow-wow moment of that intro. Cut? And take 20!
The show must go on … Recognize these RFH stars of yesteryear behind the scenes? Know which real celebrity made an appearance?
Many thanks to the fabulous George Day for this shot back in time at RFH!
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