Photo/RFH yearbook
It’s the principal of the pic — literally.
With the school year coming to a close, it seemed like a good time to take Rumson-Fair Haven area people back to days at RFH in the early 70s when the teen pictured was a student at the high school.
Take a close look. Many from the area, especially those who grew up with him, will recognize this now Rumson resident who was principal at Fair Haven’s Knollwood School for 11 years, interim principal at Sickles School and interim superintendent for a stint not all that long ago.
Yes, it’s Tom Famulary, who grew up in Fair Haven.
Here are a couple of fun retro facts about Tom:
His mom, Millie, was piano teacher to many in the area, and quite talented herself.
His father, John, was publisher of an area weekly newspaper in his retirement years (well, sorta). That paper was the Courier.
Tom was also known to be quite the piano player.