Prosecutor: Corrections Officer Facing Sexual Misconduct Charges

A Monmouth County corrections officer has been arrested and charged with engaging in sexual contact with an inmate at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced on Wednesday.

Thomas J. Mauro, 41, of Beachwood, has been charged with second-degree official misconduct and fourth-degree criminal sexual contact.

 “Law enforcement officers are sworn to uphold the law in every way,” Gramiccioni said. “As a corrections officer, Mr. Mauro exercises supervisory powers over an inmate. The conduct, as alleged, is an exploitative abuse of an officer’s sworn authority and will not be tolerated. We will continue to hold every law enforcement officer to the highest standards with no distinction between their roles in the system.”

The case background …

Last month, the 31-year-old female inmate from Neptune City was observed entering a bathroom at the correctional facility reserved for the exclusive use of MCCI staff. Moments later, Mauro followed her into the same bathroom. While in the bathroom, Mauro engaged in various forms of sexual contact with the inmate before they each exited the bathroom separately.

The investigation revealed that Mauro and the woman met during a previous incarceration at MCCI and, beginning in 2013, entered into a sexual relationship while she was not an inmate at the facility. Mauro is accused of engaging in the criminal activity on April 27, 2019 while the woman was once again incarcerated at MCCI.

“These type of acts will not be tolerated at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, and, if the allegations are found to be true, the officer will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden said. “The safety of the inmates at the correctional facility is of the utmost importance. Any member of law enforcement found guilty of violating the oath they swore to uphold, will be held accountable.”

If convicted of official misconduct, Mauro faces a mandatory sentence of five years in a New Jersey state prison without parole, a lifetime ban on public employment in the State of New Jersey, and forfeiture of his benefits. If convicted of criminal sexual contact, Mauro faces up to 18 months in state prison. 

Citizens may report misconduct concerns via the Prosecutor’s Office Corruption Tip Line at 855-7-UNJUST (855 786-5878); or e-mail at write “Corruption/Misconduct Tip” in the subject line.