Reprise! Just because it’s pretty fun to look back with us again at just what it used to cost to shop for the feast … Happy Thanksgiving, all!
Oh, it’s that time — when people were out gobbling up final hour deals on their Thanksgiving meal ingredients.
So, the Retro Pic(s) of the Day take us back to one supermarket of the past, another old standard, and turkey dinner deals of the 1960s or 70s? Guess what year these Red Bank Register ads were published.
Remember Finast? Remember where it was? Well, the store’s turkey day sale involved the bird at 49 cents a pound or a beef roast for 98.
And how about this Foodtown ad? The offer there was the same for the Thanksgiving bird — 49 cents per pound. Though the Foodtown roast was $1.09. And how about those nuts at 39 cents? If only the price of nuts wasn’t so nuts nowadays. Bacon, too. When was the last time you saw bacon sold for 69 cents per 1lb package?
A long time ago, that’s when. For the food prices of yesteryear we give thanks — or a little cry.
How much did you pay per pound for your bird this year?
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