A trial jury has convicted a 33-year-old man of first-degree attempted murder and related charges in connection with the 2014 shooting of two men, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced.
Continue reading Prosecutor: Area Man Found Guilty of 2014 Attempted MurderDaily Archives: October 14, 2019
Scene Around: RFH Surf Team Triumph

Photo/RFH Surf Team/Facebook
The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Surf Team rode a wave of success on Sunday. The team took fourth place in the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA) Northeast Conference High School Championships competition on Sunday in Spring Lake.
Continue reading Scene Around: RFH Surf Team TriumphFocus: Fall Riverwalk into Dusk

Photo/Elaine Van Develde
It’s a fall Sunday. It’s a day’s end. The start of a new week. The hush of the lapping river soothes. Dusk dances in the river’s reflections. It’s riverwalk daze at the Fair Haven Dock. A silent call to the comfort of home.
Everything is always alright in that riverwalk moment. There are many like it for a Fair Havenite — drenched in riverfront peace. Childhood laughing and splashing dancing in the mind. The cadence of it that soothes. It never gets old. It’s new with each step, each flicker in the tide, each lull in every water lap, each heartbeat that pulses home.
Take a look. Dive into the silence, the memories, each moment down by the river. Inhale home.
— Elaine Van Develde

Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Photo/Elaine Van Develde
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