Tag Archives: Thanksgiving Day football

Retro RFH Thanksgiving Homecoming Touchdown

RFH Thanksgiving Day football game
Photo/George Day

If some old RFHers had a pre-Thanksgiving turkey wishbone to yank on, they may be hoping to pull the bigger end to make a wish to revisit their own RFH Thanksgiving Day Homecoming game. Yes, the homecoming of today is already over and the RFH Dawgs are already on the state championship path.

But, back in the day, Thanksgiving, to be exact, the RFH football season used to peak with what then was the classic rivalry homecoming/Thanksgiving Day game between Red Bank Catholic and RFH. Two days before, everyone was headed home from college for the big homecoming reunion, dance and, of course reunited partying at Ichabod’s (now Woody’s, owned by RFHer Chris Wood).

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Retro RFH Homecoming Dancing & Courting

Homecoming at RFH scored big with a week’s long celebration culminating in a win for the Bulldogs on Friday night.

Yes, there was a lot of celebrating, but there was no dancing. Well, there was no official RFH dance hosting alumni coming home and seniors on the night before Thanksgiving like decades ago. And the event? Well, it’s all about October. Has been for some time..

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