The girls’ team has come a long way since the late 1970s, when one girl raised a ruckus by scoring a goal for girl athletes by using some fancy footwork to earn a spot on the boys’ team. Since 1984, there’s been a girls’ team at RFH and its a winning one in more ways than one — teamwork to score for one another and others.
Chris Bowden, RFH Class of 1976 was the first girl to play soccer on the boys’ team. Photo/RFH 1976 Yearbook
1975-76 RFH Soccer Team
Photo/RFH 1976 Yearbook
A reprise in honor of girls’ soccer season at RFH …
Yes, soccer season has kicked in. And there are and have been girls teams at RFH since 1984. But, that was not always the case …
When Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect shared a photo of the boys’ team from back in the late 1970s, RFH grads challenged all to remember who the first girl was to play on the boys’ team.
It was a motivational moment for Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s female athletes — specifically, soccer players.
Three-time Olympic gold medalist and two-time FIFA Women’s World Cup Champion Christie Rampone on Monday made an appearance at a team practice at Rumson’s Meadowridge Field East.
During an informal session, Rampone described participation in high school soccer as a “privilege.”
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