Sonia Reevey sings My Buddy at Fair Haven’s Memorial Day Service in 2015 Photo/Elaine Van Develde
She may live far away in Georgia now, but Fair Haven will always be home to Sonia Reevey. The matriarch of the Reevey family, roots set in the borough, has always honored her hometown by volunteering and just plain being a great neighbor, always with warmth for the love of Fair Haven and a smile.
He is known as one of Fair Haven’s finest. He’s a borough police officer. He’s a native Fair Havenite. He’s a husband. He’s a dad. He’s a neighbor. He’s also known as one of the best friends a community could have. He’s Fair Haven Police Patrolman Dwayne Reevey and he needs some help from the community in which he was raised and has served for some time now.
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