Tag Archives: Christmas lights

Lighting Up the Holidays in the R-FH Area

Yes, we are doing this again. Just because …

Remember the old Sunday night drive to check out all the Christmas lights when you were a kid?

Continue reading Lighting Up the Holidays in the R-FH Area

Focus: Fair Haven Holiday House Decoration Winners

Drum roll please … for, perhaps, the little drummer nutcracker boys on the front porch of the first-place winner of the first Fair Haven Holiday House Decoration Contest — the Ruscignos at 39 Parker Avenue.

Ben, Maria and Rocco Ruscigno added some special touches this year, they said. They collected PJs for ill children and their families at the Jersey Shore University Medical Center Children’s Hospital in an effort to give back the kindness they received when Rocco was ill one year. In an effort to make the drop-off spot as festive and easy to find as possible, spirits soared and their house got the deluxe decoration treatment. Maria announced that they dropped off “100 pairs of brand new pajamas” to Jersey Shore. She thanked all for the donations.

Congratulations to the Ruscignos!

Second place went to the family at 11 Country Lane with the beautiful array of white lights. If you’ve done your holiday lights drive with due diligence every year, you’ve surely seen and admired the display here.

And third place went to the folks at 77 Poplar Ave., whose home is adorned with lots of festive multicolored lights and decorations year after year.

All the entries were drive-by worthy. Take a ride around the borough to see for yourself. There were 13 that were entered in the contest. In the meantime, take a look at some photos of the winners. And don’t forget to click to enlarge!

Lighting Up the Holidays in Fair Haven


Remember the old Sunday night drive to check out all the Christmas lights when you were a kid?

Well, it doesn’t have to be a Sunday night. Any night is a good one for the drive around to look at the lights.

We took a little night drive in Fair Haven. The only thing that was missing was the ol’ “Ooooo … ahhhh” and the backseat sibling quibbling to Dad’s, “Girls! If I have to pull this car over!”

This is what we saw. And it’s just a sampling. Fair Haven is quite festive. In fact, the borough, starting tomorrow, is having it’s first holiday decoration contest. Check out the informational flyer below …

Know of any great decorations? Let us know where they are, too. We’ll make sure everyone gets to take the pre-Christmas drive with us.

— Elaine Van Develde

Lighting Up the Holidays in the R-FH Area

There’s something about Christmas lights in small towns that just soothes the hometown soul.

Here’s to yet another reason why the Rumson-Fair Haven area is so special.

Take a little holiday tour with us in our photo gallery above. Just click on any image to enlarge and click the arrows to scroll through.

Happy holidays to all from Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect!