No, it’s not the swim team.
This Retro Pic of the Day takes us back to a time at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) when taking a dip in the ocean at the chilliest of winter times was, well, very cool as a Polar Bear Club member. Yes, it was a club back then.
You’ve heard of people warming up to polar bear swims for a cause. Take, for instance, former Rumson Police Chief Scott Paterson, an RFH grad, is known to plunges annually for Special Olympics and garner lots of support for the cause. And then there are those regional groups that indulge occasionally for the thrill of that big chill time.
But, a high school sporting such a club with regular activity is probably non-existent now, much less a few decades ago in the 1970s. Then again, RFH was quite freestyle and festive about many causes and clubs back in the day.
Did you take the plunge back in your high school days? Where? How about those jumps off the Highlands or Rumson/Sea Bright bridges? A plunge into the surf in Sea Bright in the cold … just for fun?