Retro RFH Track & Field Warm-Up

RFH Track & Field practice in 1975
Photo/George Day

Spring is in the air; and, especially considering the recent indoor track championship, RFHers are on track for good run in the season’s start to outdoor RFH Track & Field.

Back in 1975 — April 1, to be exact — the team was on the field bending, stretching and reaching for a star-studded season. It was still a bit of a chill(y) time in the warm-up, but the RFH track guys were in sync.

Practice makes perfect, as we are taught. So here’s to the warm-up times among RFH athlete friends and coaches!

It looks like that’s RFH Track Coach Dewey Robinson standing on the field. Robinson, who died in 2008 at the age of 58, was an RFH Class of 1968 grad. He was very popular on the field and in the classroom.

But, who was the other coach and math teacher back in that era? And, who’s that lying down on the practice time job? How did a cap like that fit the track practice mode? Hmmmmm …

Word is that it’s RFH Class of ’78 Robbie Roberto.

On track? Yes. Run with it, RFHers!

Thanks to George Day for yet another fabulous look back at RFH!

** George Day’s photos are authorized for publication on R-FH Retro exclusively. **