It’s elementary … Halloween haunting in the classroom.
Here they are — a group of ghosts, ghouls and other Halloween friends in Fair Haven’s Knollwood School in the 1990s.

Yes, it’s all about a festive Halloween and some spooking around the school halls right now for Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect. So, here’s to the yesteryear good ghouls of then Miss (Amy) Parnell’s fifth grade class at Knollwood in the Retro Pic of the Day.
Which mom and make-up artist frequented the classroom for the festivities? Did you know that annually she gave a little tutorial on how it’s done in the horror movies and haunted houses, including how to concoct homemade stage blood? Hmmmm …
The most classic student comment: “Wow! His mom has a bowl of blood!” as the principal showed up at the doorway. Can’t stir it up for the season any better way than that.
This is one of those days. And you can probably guess which kid had this make-up artist as a mom. Ahem. Oh, yes, heads did turn, twisting things up a bit for fright day.
Recognize anyone? Yes, there are a couple of children in this shot whose parents are pretty popular around the towns.
Here’s to a bloody good Halloween!
Many thanks to Whitney for this classic look back in time!
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