Retro ‘Just Ducky’ McCarter Pond Daze

Three Fair Haven kids and the ducks at McCarter Pond circa 1950s
Photo/Kathy Robbins

Duck, duck … goose? Nope. This is more like the “Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck … kid, kid, kid … and a pond” game. Yeah, that’s it. Whatever way you look at it, it’s a pretty simple concept, just like that old Duck Duck Goose game.

It’s all pictured here in this 1950s snapshot back in time of one of the oldest, simplest forms of small town entertainment for kids — going to the “duck pond” to feed the ducks. And in Fair Haven, there were duck ponds on either side of the borough — Schwenker’s and McCarter ponds. Still are. There’s Shippees Pond, too, on the Schwenker’s end of town. No mind. It’s all about whichever duck pond.

We got a glimpse back to the 50s before with a little winter pond time at Schwenker’s Pond. Now, we’re taking you to some ducky times at McCarter with former longtime Fair Havenite Kathy Robbins and friends. This looks to be a springier version of duck feeding fun.

This crew is coatless and armed with nothing but a little food for ducks and thought. No matter the time of the year, it’s always duck pond season for little ones. That’s entertainment — at its finest. Though, there is a yawner here. Or is that a gasp over something not so ducky?

No matter. It’s a pretty simple pleasure that has withstood the test of time and electronics. Ducky doings. Down by the pond, a kid knows everything is gonna be alright once they start communing with the ducks — unless, of course a goose gets in the mix and takes a bite out of the hand that feeds it. They tend to go for the hand, not the feed.

Your kid duck pond misadventure?